Dun with the Dun's Party.

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I let out a sigh of relief, "She said yes? I was worried-"

Chase stops me, saying, "Wait, you knew?"

I nod, "Tyler asked my permission. We discussed it all at length before he went through with it. I had to tell him I was okay with it before he asked."

Everyone but Josh looks at me, dumdfounded.

"Wait, so you knew about all of this?" Jordan asks.

"Josh and I both knew. We were in on it. We helped him plan it out and figure out the best way to propose," I explain. Josh nods, confirming my explanation.

That conversation carries in for 20 more minutes until Josh's grandmother walks in. We all break apart, heading in different directions.

For some odd reason, Josh leads us up stairs.

We reach the next floor, and see a few people pass us.

"Chase," I say quietly.


"You know how I told you about my dream-ja vu?" I ask, watching seemingly familiar paintings and photos.

He nods, "yeah, and?"

"I've seen all of this before," I reply, apparently loud loud enough for Josh to hear. He turns around.

"You've never been here before, how could you have seen this?" He asks, confused.

"I've dreamt it," I say bluntly, and with that Josh keeps walking.

"I have someone very important that I'd like you too meet," Josh says, stopping outside of a door. By now Debby and Chase have disappeared. He knocks.

An older voice mumbles for us to come in.

Josh opens the door slowly, walking in ahead of me.

An older man turns around, smiling when he sees Josh. "Joshua," he says, standing.

"Grandpa," he replies, smiling slightly.

"Who is this?" His grandfather asks, motioning to me.

"This is the girl I was telling you about," he says, smiling more. So the one person he told about me was his grandfather.

"You're Liz?" He asks, making eye contact with me. I nod. "You much more beautiful then I imagined," he says.

I blush, thanking him. He pulls me into a hug as though he's known me since I was born.

Josh and his grandfather talk a bit.

I run the pad of my finger over the spines of the many books spilling from the dark wooden shelves. The scent of eloquent words, dry ink, and well loved paper fills my airways. My eyes scan over familiar names and titles as I drag my finger slowly across the predominantly leather bindings.

I jump when Josh's voice says, "I didn't know you were this interested in books."

He chuckles when I jump, setting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm secretly a literacy nerd," I mumble, distracted by collectors edition of The Great Gatzby. My finger hovers over it longer then any of the others.

"I can tell by the little gasp you just made and the drool dropping from your lips while admiring that Gatzby book," he chuckles.

I shrug.

Josh leads me back down to the backyard and we mingle more. After a few hours, the backyard thins out and only a handful of people are left. I'm pretty sure they are all either our group or the people who live here/are staying here. Abigail leaves with Ashley, and Josh's parents head home. Jordan suggests that the rest of us (Chase, Debby, Josh, Him, and I) go and do something as a sort of After Party.

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