Confronting The Parents

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Jenna sits waiting for an answer. She stares at Tyler.

"Well come on. Tell me more about this big announcement." Jenna asks.

When Tyler doesn't answer she looks to me.

When I don't answer either she looks to Debby. "Deb, what do you know? What's going on?" She asks.

"Don't look at me. I know nothing and if I did know something it's not my place to tell." Debby puts her hands up in defense. Jenna looks back at Tyler and I.

Tyler looks down and scratches the back of his head. I look at the window avoiding her eyes.


Tyler looks at the table. He scratches the back of his head the puts his hands on the counter we are sitting around. He stares at his many tattoos.

I look over to Josh, who is staring out the window.

What are they keeping from me??

"Tyler, you kept having a sister from me. I don't think there is much more you could keep from me. Come on. I need to know this sort of stuff." I beg. He looks at me.

"Jenna, we have to announce to the public about Eli, but we weren't sure if we are going to say that she's my sister or just that Josh and I are her legal guardians. If this gets out wrong this could become problems and not all of the powers that be are okay with all of this. Jordan sure as heck didn't take it very well and the only other person who is up on this and has information on it is Cody. This could turn into a lot more then me just getting custody of my sister. Oh and we have to tell my parents, who didn't want her, that she is basically considered Josh and I's child now." Tyler explains with momentous emotion.


Jenna and I exchange a confused glance. "Hold up. No one ever told me your parents didn't want her and that's why she was in the system, actually I knew nothing of why she was in the system. I only knew she was put up for adoption."

"Same here." Jenna says giving Tyler a cold look.

"Wait what? I didn't know that that's why I was in the system." Liz speaks.

I turn to look at Tyler and Josh with the same cold stare.

"I didn't know what to say it. How would you break to your little sister that your parents put her up for adoption when she was 5 months old because they didn't want her or as they said 'didn't love her' when you loved her with all your heart and didn't want anything bad to even be present around her?' Tyler asks getting defensive. I sigh a bit.

"I think it was supposed to be this way. That you would turn out to be her parent. You were always more of a parent to her then what your parents have been told to be. Same with Josh. He fits the part too." I explain. They both reveal half smiles.

"Yeah." They say in unison.


"Back to this announcement. Lets figure everything out. So today is Tuesday, when will you guys be announcing?" Jenna says getting us back on track. The train got derailed for a shot period of time and Jenna swooped in and got us up and running.

"We are announcing it tomorrow." Josh replies.

"Where and how?" Debby asks.

"Here, if that's alright with Jenna, and we have a media broadcaster scheduled to come and show it live on major Television channels and we are posting the link on everything." I answer.

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