Court date.

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~Third Person~

"All Rise," The firm voice says. The sound of chairs scraping and people standing follows. Tyler straightens his tie and Josh glances back at Jenna. Debby is elsewhere with Liz, whom wasn't allowed to attend not that she even wanted to.

Before long, Fueled by Ramen's lawyer is rattling off an argument in their difference while pacing back and forth. Tyler and Josh's lawyer looks confident.

Tyler drifts into thought, imagining what may happen if his little sister is taken. His mind wanders to images of her in horrible group home and getting abused once again. He blinks away the thoughts and stares blankly at the other lawyer.

Not far away, Debby and Liz exit a high end building which makes use for their dressy attire. Debby drags the younger girl along behind her into a high fashion building. A worker greets Debby and before Liz realizes whats going on, she is being lead down a hall with Debby on a tour of a fashion company.

"You are very pretty," the lady says to Liz as she sits her in a swirling chair in front of a mirror. Debby had set up a surprise "make-over" for both of them, knowing how Liz felt. She felt like she shouldn't be around them because she was "normal, boring, and way less pretty" then Debby and Jenna. Those were her exact words to Debby a few nights ago after they got back from shopping for their court date.

Debby's phone rang in the middle of the girl begining to wash Liz's hair. She got up and walked away, answering, "Hello?'

"Deb," Josh said, his tone tense and hushed.

"What? What's going on? Is everything okay?" She sucked in a worried breath.

She could hear Josh huff out a breath and shift his weight, "We took a break. It doesn't look too good. Their lawyer is really good and they are pulling no stops to hold anything possible against us. The press is here and asking questions, Jenna said that they are looking for you two and that there is a lot of rumors floating around twitter."

Debby sighs, "Oh Josh, I'm so sorry. I know you guys will pull through. You have to. For her. We are okay for now, no press can get to us."

Josh shifts again, looking at Tyler as he murmurs with Jenna a few feet away. They are taking a couple hours of break. "Look, our lawyer told us we should have her here when we resume. He wants her here in case she should be questioned and a few other reasons. he talked to the judge and she's allowed to come now," He explains, watching the crowd stream out the doors. Tyler and Jenna continue talking. Tyler didn't have the heart to talk to Liz, so he asked Josh to do it for him. Debby will rely the information for both of them, like a big game of important telephone.

"Alright, I'll talk to her. See you soon," She forces a smile.

"Tell her I love her," Josh mumbles before hanging up.

Debby walks back to Liz. She looks at the girl, who is now doing Liz's make up and trimming her hair until no blue remains. "Can you make her look as good as possible? We have to go meet our family at a courthouse and she needs to look amazing," Debby asks kindly. The girl nods.

She smiles, "No problem, easy peasy. With this pretty face, I don't need to do much to make her look even more flawless. Hold on honey." The girl does a bit of make-up for her and does her hair. After that she leads Liz into a huge room full of clothes. Soon enough, both girls are dressed for a courtroom or even a presidential party and thanking the lady.

"Josh called," Debby starts, explaining everything, "he told me to tell you he loves you."

Tyler paces as he waits for them to arrive and them to resume. The flow of people milling back made it hard for him to notice the two girls walk in. He takes a double take at his baby sister, who is in a pencil skirt and a very nice cardigan.

Before he can hug her, the lawyer is yanking him back into the room. He glimpses Josh hugging her tightly.

Everyone finally files back in and takes a seat. Josh and Tyler keep looking back at their girls, seeing Jenna gasp at how great and sophisticated Liz looks.

The boys' lawyer stands up, buttoning his jacket.

"You may begin, sir."

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