Fights, Flights, Hair and Sunglasses.

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Liz is sitting in Tyler's lap. She keeps glancing at Jordan. When ever she does she quickly looks back at Tyler. The lady walks back into the room. She hands Tyler a paper. He hands it to me. I look down the lists of tests.

:Positive match

:Positive match

:Positive match

They're siblings. Tyler looks at me waiting, stress in his eyes.

"WHAT IS IT????" Tyler exclaims.

I smirk. "Lets just say we have good instincts...." I trail. Tyler lights up like a Christmas tree. Liz, on the other hand is still curled up glancing at Jordan.

He stands up. "You mean she's really your sister?" He asks in a harsh tone.

I nod.

"Do you know what this will do to your reputation? This could jeopardize your fame!" He yells. I watch Liz flinch a bit.

He paces back and forth. "What are we going to do? How will we handle this? We're not going to be responsible for a girl I've only just met. What are we going to do with her?" Jordan keeps ranting.

Tyler stands up setting Liz down on the chair. Tyler puts a hand on his arm and holding him in place. "You're not doing anything. She is my sister. I don't care what it will do to anything. She is my responsibility. I am going to "handle" this. We aren't doing anything with her."

"Tyler she isn't your responsibility, she is her parents or who ever is her guardian is responsible!" Jordan yells at him. Tyler tenses. Liz looks close to breaking down. I walk around them and pick her up, putting her on my lap. Tyler clenches his fists as Debby walks back in. She stands in the door.


Tyler turns and gently has Liz stand up. He gets a paper towel wet and wipes her cheeks, she closes her eyes, seeming to be in pain.

I see huge blue and purple bruises on her cheeks. Then he whispers in her ear. She lifts her shirt up the to reveal a huge black bruise on her ribs.

"Her foster parents did that to her! I'm not letting her go anywhere near them," Tyler yells. I never knew that. Jordan throws his hands in the air and instantaneously Eli steps about a foot back and behind Tyler's back. She grabs onto his shirt. He turns and looks at her. I watch a tear roll down her cheeks.


Tears roll down Eli's cheeks. "What's wrong?" Tyler ask worried. She glances at Jordan. He looks at me and I notice they want him to leave. I stand up and walk over to him and basically shove him out the door.

Once Jordan is out of the room she turns to Tyler. "R-rich...." She stutters.

We all raise our eyebrows. She looks at him. She gives him a look. It dawns on Tyler. He turns to Debby and I who have majorly confused looks on our faces. "Jordan reminds her of her foster dad," Tyler explains.

Jordan walks in with his phone in his hand. Tyler straitens and Liz grabs his hand. Jordan looks Tyler dead in the eye. "She is going home, or where ever she was. She isn't staying with us," He basically yells jabbing his finger at her.

I can see Tyler mentally explode. "The only one who is leaving is you! Get out! NOW!!! You have no right to treat my sister that way, if you think it's okay you're not needed!" Tyler yells. Jordan stands there.

Tyler pulls out his phone. "What are you doing?" Jordan asks in a harsh tone.

Tyler's finger's click. "Calling Micheal, our real manager." Tyler says placing the phone to his ear.

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