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I have my face buried in Tyler's chest, crying. "Who are he and she?" He asks in a brotherly tone, soothing yet mad. Mad because they hurt me.

I just bury my face deeper in his chest. "Who is she talking about?" Josh asks.

"Her foster parents. They were arrested when we found out," Tom explains.

I feel Tyler tense. He rests his chin on my head. "I won't let that happen ever again," He says messing with my hair.

"We won't let that happen ever again." I hear Josh correct him.

"I wanna go home!" I cry into Tyler's chest.

"I'll take you home in a little bit," Tom says.

"No with Tyler!" I wrap my arms around Tyler's torso.

I can hear Tyler sigh. "Eli, we are on tour right now," Tyler says.

"Y-your gonna leave me?" I look up at him, extra tears rolling down my face.

"Shhhhh," Tyler tells me, wiping the tears from my face. "We will be back. You just have to stay here for a little longer."

"How do I know your really gonna come back???" I ask. They've all left.

"I came back after 14 years. I'll come back," He tells me. I look up at Josh who is watching us carefully.

"Do you have a phone?" Josh asks. I nod a little. He walks over and bends over, putting his hand out. I unlock it and hand it to him. He types something in then hands it back. I see a new contact: Josh, the best dude ever! "There. Now when you need me, you can text me," He says.

Tyler takes my phone. He types away also. He hands it back. Another new contact: Best Big Brother Ever.

I put my hands out. They both hand me their phones. I unlock Tyler's phone and put in my contact: Baby Sister!

Then I take Josh's phone. I add my contact: My Best Friend!

I hand them their phones back. They both smile and laugh a little. Josh helps me up.

I give him a careful, tight hug. He hugs me back. Then I hug Tyler. He wipes my face with his thumbs. "You must text me after school!" He smiles. I nod.

"Wait," Lacey says. They both stop.

"You three need a picture together," Lacey says. Josh and Tyler put their arms around me and kiss my cheeks. I smile widely.

Lacey snaps the picture with her phone. "Perfect!" She gushes. I hear a ding and see she sent it to me. I open it and then put it as my home screen.

Lacey takes a tissue and wipes off my face then quickly puts some makeup back on it. Tyler hugs me again, along with Josh. "I'll talk to you later Eli. I love you," Tyler tells me. Both boys put their hoods up and walk out.

"Ready to go back? You've missed all of math and gym. It's lunch time now," Tom tells me. I look down.

"Do you think they will really come back?" I ask. Right then my phone dings. I unlock it.

Josh, The best dude ever: 'Hey Liz! Remember Tyler and I will be back soon. We can't wait to see you again! Oh and remember you gotta keep this on the down low until we figure out how to publicly announce it.'

Me: 'Hi Josh. I'll remember. I can't wait to see you either. I won't tell anyone.'

Josh: 'Have a good day at school kid! I'll talk to you later. Tyler says the same.'

With that Lacey brings me out of her office. She walks me to the math room. I grab my stuff. Then I bring it back out to my locker. "You look good, Eli. Don't worry. Go find that new friend of yours," Lacey smiles. "I'm going to talk to your last two teachers and tell them why you weren't there. Don't worry, I won't say anything," She tells me.

I nod. Then I walk toward the lunch room.

I find Lil sitting by herself. I sit down next to her. "Where did you go? You left me alone," She says.

"I had to talk to the social worker. They think they found my brother," I explain. She nods.

"Oh my gosh so yestarday Twenty One Pilots had a concert in Lansing and this girl on twitter posted pictures of her meeting Tyler. I am so jealous," She tells me. Oh how jealous she would be if I told her I was just with Tyler, at our school, and he hugged me quite a few time.

"She's lucky. I've never even been to one of their concerts," I state. She nods and continues eating.

"Where's your food?" She asks.

"I don't want food today, plus the aren't serving anymore," I point out. She nods.

"You know gym is so boring. We had to do a bunch of stuff and apperently our teacher wasn't there so the lady had to teach all of us and it was utter crap," She says.

"I don't think I'll be in gym for a while," I tell her. She looks confused.

"Why not? Isn't it mandatory?" She asks.

"Ms. Stevens thinks I broke my rib," I tell her. She looks at me worried.

"How????" Her voice is lowered.

"I got kicked in the side my a high schooler who is friends with people who bully me," I lie.

Soon lunch is over and were off to social studies. In social studies all we do is watch a movie on Asian companies that manufacture most of the things we sell in the US.

After that I have 6th hour which is with the lady teacher, Lily has the same class. We're going to the gym today.

"Eli, get your butt into the locker room. You haven't been in PE the past two days, yet you've been at school," She yells. With that I turn around and walk out. She storms after me. "Look at me! You can't just skip every class you don't want to go to," She yells in my face. I pull out my phone and dial a number.

"Hello? Eli what's wrong?" Lacey asks.

"Can you come to the gym?? I need help," I say desperately. With that I hear her feet running. She hangs up.

"Oh so you call for back up?? All you are is trouble," She yells in my face right as Lacey walks in.

"That is no way to treat a child. Ecpesially her," Lacey scolds. She comes up to my side. "Oh by the way Eli won't be participating in anything that has to do with physical activity," Lacey tells her.

"Oh why not?!" She practically yells.

"As you may know Eli's foster parents weren't the best. Eli has a broken rib," Lacey tells her.

"How do I know your not just covering for her?" She asks. Lacey leads us all into the locker room. The girls have all gone into the gym by now.

I lift up my shirt and show the huge black bruise. With that she turns and stomps away. I spend the whole hour in Lacey's room writing somemore of a story I came up with a while ago. Then in 7th hour, science, our teacher had a discussion about wether, and what to do in bad weather. We start talking about car crashes and how people's best friends or family have died in them. I start picturing what it would be like for one of the boys to be in a major car accident. The bell rings and I stand up. I grab my things and walk to my locker. I shove everything into my bag, zip it, then shut my locker, slinging my bag over my shoulder as I walk to find Tom.

I walk into his room. He is sitting at the computer alone typing. He looks up, and stands up, grabbing his stuff. I pull out my phone. I click on Tyler and my conversation.

Me: 'Hey Tyler!! I'm out of school. How's driving?? I miss you!'

I wait for him to reply but he doesn't. I text the same thing to Josh.

They don't answer. What's going on?

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