The Flight To Europe.

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Goodbyes seem to be the hardest parts of visits, and I dreaded this moment as it was happening.

I watch as Josh and Tyler load our luggage into a car that a man I've met very few times has driven to us, and start to get jittery.

Josh and Tyler come back in, Josh asking, "Well, I guess it's that time."

"Mom, Dad! Ash, Abi!" Jordan calls, and the group comes into the living room. I said goodbye to Jenna earlier today, but it was not as hard because she's flying out to tour with us in two weeks.

I hug Abi and Ashley for the longest we have ever hugged, thanking them and telling them how much I love them both. I give quick hugs to Josh's parents, who thank me for coming and mentioning how much they enjoy my company and are glad I came. Then I turn to Jordan.

"Here comes the hard part," he says, as I go in for a hug. He hugs me tightly, holding the hug for quite some time. "It's still going," he says, "I love you, you crazy hair colored dork. I'm going to miss you so much. Keep my brother in check, okay? He needs it. Not really, but still. Give him lots of hugs, and make sure he drinks enough water. Don't let either of them get bored, and don't you dare let them stop being dorks."

He lets go, and Josh pulls him into a hug. "Keep an eye on her, okay? Take care of her. Make sure she stays energetic and all over the place, but intelligent at the same time. Make sure she drinks enough water, and keep her in a good mood, okay? Take her on adventures, teach her the ways of music, and protect her at all costs. I'm so glad she's part of our little family, and I know you'll do everything you can to keep her at her best. Make sure she has room to be wild, and the opportunity to read and write. Okay?"

"I promise that I'll take great care of her, I think that if I can do it for this long, I can keep doing it," Josh laughs, letting go.

With that, we walk out of the house.

"Michael, I don't know if you remember Liz, but this is Liz. Liz, this is Michael. He is our tour manager. He's basically our tour dad. He's the dude that keeps us from drifting away when we go into the crowd, he's the guy that helps us with everything. He and Mark have been around since the begging, and we are all about to be pretty close," Tyler says, introducing us. I nod, waving a bit. We climb into the car, and I watch the outside world zoom past.
The three talk while we ride, exchanging stories from past tours. I sit, listening intently. We soon get to the airport, where we run into Mark. The five of us head in together, going through security, baggage, and the whole shebang.

Soon enough, we are sitting in the waiting area with our carry-ons, Tyler and Josh being the dorks they are and messing around. I feel like I'm in a fog, similar to the one from my dream. I sigh, watching Tyler and Josh mess around. Everything seems surreal.

A voice on an intercom somewhere alerts us that it's time to board our flight. I am anxious as we walk through out gate, up the ramp, and through the little hallway. We find out seats in first class, which is interestingly sectioned off perfectly, so we five have our own little section, and we sit down. I get situated, taking a deep breath.

"Ya ready?" Tyler asks, turning to me.

I smile and nod a little, finally realizing just what we are about to do.

At that moment, it hits me. All the words I wanted to say in response to everyone's kind goodbyes come flooding into my mind. I pull out my phone, quickly typing out individual long messages to each and every one of the people I said goodbye to, somehow sending paragraphs of heartfelt words to many people before lift off.

I have to turn my phone onto airplane mode as we lift off, but moment later, I find out there is wifi. I connect to it, watching the scene outside my window. I watch the ground go further and further away, and as it does, my mind starts to turn it all over.

Six months ago, if you would've told me that I'd be here, right now, on my way to Europe with Twenty One Pilots, I would never believe you. I'd tell you that you are joking, and that its a cruel joke. I'd go about my day, hoping that tomorrow would be slightly better. I'd go home, stare up at my poster of Tyler and Josh, and wish that something good would happen. Now here I am, down the road. I have Lily, AJ, and Kieran, my wonderful friends. I have Jordan, Abigail, and Ashley. I have Zack, Maddy, and Jay. I have Debby, Chase, and Jenna. I have Tyler and Josh. I'm on a plane with Michael and Mark. I have this whole little world now. I've come so far in the past six months. Mentally, and physically, I'm much healthier.

I glance over at Tyler, seeing his smile.

In six months, I went from fan to family.

"So, what is our first destination?" I ask, turning to look at the others.

"It's a surprise," they reply.

My phone beeps, showing a text from Kieran in response to my paragraphs. I send him that we are flying again, and send a picture from my window.

It's all surreal, and doesn't seem like it's really happening, but I also know that it's not a dream. I know that this, this one moment right now, is real.

"Who ya texting?" Josh asks, peering over at my phone.

"Kieran, Lily, and AJ. They made me start a group chat to keep them all updated on my travels."

Josh nods, "This will be really good for you."

"If the smallest choice can change our entire lives, what would a huge choice do?"

The End

















Or is it?


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