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My hand started sweating from gripping the knife so hard. The metal was definitely going into my hand, but I wasn't about to get killed; not today anyway.

I hurriedly threw some random berries in my bag, not really caring if they were poisonous, with my free hand. The bushes to the left of me rustled again and I sucked in a sharp breath.

I picked up my bag, now filled with berries, and turned around. Only to be met with brown eyes I knew I didn't recognize.

Before my mind caught up to my actions, my hand stabbed the grounder in his chest. My mouth dropped open in shock. The grounder in front of me looked down at me. I couldn't see his face due to the bone-made mask, and I think that was better because I couldn't see his expression as blood started to sweep through the wound in his stomach.

When my mind finally caught up to what I did, I dropped my sack and let out a started scream as the grounders body started to crumple to the ground. A wave of pity washed over me and I fell down beside him, trying to stop the bleeding. But I knew, from watching Clarke with Jasper when he got stabbed, that the knife punctured his lungs and he wasn't going to make it.

So I just kneeled beside his dying body, watching as he slowly took his last breaths.
"I'm so sorry..." Tears we're running down my face, causing me to stutter on my words. "It was self-defense," I muttered, trying to convince myself as the grounder started to choke on his own blood.

I mumbled away as I stroked his greasy black hair. When he finally stopped breathing with a last dramatic gasp for air, it hit me what I really did.

I killed someone...

My head started to throb as I thought about this grounder, and what I took away from him with a single swipe of a knife.

Who knows maybe he just wanted to talk, to say, "Hey, those are poisonous berries. Better not eat those."

But, I heard the stories. Grounders are never nice, except for Lincoln. This was my first encounter with a grounder and, to be honest, I didn't think it would go like this.

I finally stood up, my eyes swollen for crying so hard and so long. It was now dusk and I knew I had to be getting back before they sent a search team out to find me crying over our enemy. I had to be strong. Bellamy would never let me leave camp again if I wasn't.

I wiped my eyes and picked up my sack that felt heavier than last time, and started to walk away. Leaving behind me my knife and one dead grounder.

When I finally got back to camp, I must've been a sight as the guards started hollering out like I was deaf and didn't know what direction I was going. They opened up the gates and I stomped through, not stopping for anyone that asked me questions, not until I got to the drop ship.

Clarke was talking to Bellamy in the corner, they didn't notice that I came in. I sat my sack of berries on a table they had set up in there. When they made a loud thud on the table, they realized they weren't the only ones in here and rushed over to meet me.

"Y/n, what's wrong? Are you hurt," Clarke asked, looking me up and down. She tilted my head to the left and right, looking for wounds, but came up empty handed.

"N-no." I tried so hard to sound brave so they wouldn't baby me, but my voice cracked, instantly giving away my act.

"What happened," Bellamy asked, his brown eyes looking down at me. He crossed his arms and seemed to know what had happened without me ever saying it.

"Well... I just tripped and fell. Nothing too bad, and definitely nothing to worry about," I said, knowing if I told the truth Bellamy would be mad and I definitely would cry again.

A kid came in holding his nose talking about a fight and Clarke ran off to help him, leaving me with Bellamy's questioning gaze.

"So, are you gonna tell me the truth, or am I going to have to fight you about it. I know that blood didn't get on your hands from a fall, there's no wound."

I looked down at the ground. I was always told I wasnt a good liar, but I never knew it was this bad.

"Y/n." Bellamy's calloused hand touched my chin, moving my head up so he could see my eyes. "Y/n, what happened?"

He said it so soft and gentle, I immediately felt myself turn to butter.

"I-I... stabbed a grounder."

His hand dropped from my face. "How is that a bad thing? You defended yourself, congrats."

"No Bellamy, he's dead. Because of me! I stabbed someone, this isn't a good thing!" I felt the water works start again, and I knew I was never leaving camp again.

"Y/n." Bell walked closer to me, whispering my name as his arms snaked around my waist holding me to him. I threw my arms around his shoulders for the much needed hug. His smell danced in my nose as I took deep breaths, time seeming to stop for just us.

"It will be okay. I know it hurts when you first kill someone, you will never forget it, but you did the right thing. He would of killed you if you hadn't of killed him," he whispered in my ear.

He pulled away, the smell still dancing on my nose as he gave me a smile, one so rare these days.

"Did she finally confess? You know, you aren't that good of a liar," Clarke said, pressing a towel to the boys head and coming out of another room.

"So I've been told," I said with a sigh.

Bellamy was still smiling down at me, and I knew then that everything was going to be alright.

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