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A loud rumble caused the whole drop ship to shake from the impact, it also made me whimper into my coat that was being used as a blanket.

It seemed like all the delinquents on the second floor could sleep through a storm like this, but me.

Instead of sleeping next to my best friend in the middle of the delinquent-filled room, I was leaning against the wall of the drop ship, whimpering at every little rumble that arrived.

Since we've been down here, I've quickly learned my fear of storms. Every time the clouds get dark and the smell of rain is in the air, I go into the drop ship and hide. I get in trouble with Bellamy for abandoning my work all the time for it.

But this time was different because every place I could hide was already holding someone there.

The drop ship was still for a minute, almost making me think the storm was over; before a loud crash sounded and the drop ship quivered more furiously than before.

This made me shot up from my place and run over to the ladder tugging my jacket behind me. Being on the second floor made everything feel bigger than it was.

Once I climbed down, I felt like I could breathe again, but once again, another loud crash had me scurrying across the floor.

Once my back hit the wall of the drop ship, I threw my jacket over my head and whimpered into the sleeves.

"Y/n," a soft voice said.

I peeked under my jacket to see Jasper. His eyes were trained exactly onto my hidden figure, his goggles rested on top of his head making me think he slept in them, and he was smiling down at me despite the raging storm outside the drop ship.

"Hey Jasper," I called back, going back under my jacket.

I heard his feet on the metal floors as he tried to step over delinquents to get to me, and when he did, he slid to the floor right beside me.

"Is it comfy in there," he asked, gently prodding my shoulder with his fingers.

"I don't know, I think it could use some more room. What do you think?" I lifted up my jacket and put it over his head as well as mine, trapping him in the darkness.

"If definitely could use some room, kinda stuffy in here," he said, playing along to my joke.

I giggled at our silliness and I heard Jasper chuckle under his breath. Then another rumble of thunder followed by a crack of lightening caused me to whimper and shuffle closer to Jasper, who obviously noticed my distaste for storms.

"Scared of thunder?"

"Terrified," I whispered, clutching onto my jacket tighter than before.

He chuckled at me. "You know we're safe in the drop ship right?"

I shook my head yes, although sometimes I don't believe it.

"Then what are you scared of if we're safe?"

"Dying," I whispered, scared to tell someone my fear; even if it was Jasper.

He was quiet for a moment, the only sound between us being the rain pelting the metal rooftop.

He lifted his hand and took the jacket off of our heads just to look me in the eye. "Don't be scared of dying. Everyone has to go at some point, it's just a part of life. It might hurt, but everything in life hurts a little. Besides, wouldn't it be cool to come back as a ghost a haunt Bellamy for working you too hard?"

I giggled, feeling better about the storm and my fear all together.

He was right, everyone dies at some point. Maybe a little when someone else dies or maybe a little when you think you're dead.

"Thank you Jasper for everything," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"No problem y/n."



I already miss Jasper so much and I'm not even caught up on the episodes yet.

So this was my little way of I guess saying thank you and stuff for his awesome character.

But honestly I saw it coming due to him not being himself anymore. I knew something wasn't right ever since Mia died.

And poor Monty, I already feel so bad for him.


Also thank you guys so much for 4K reads! That's amazing!

This book has quickly become my most read book of mine and I couldn't be happier!

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