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The camp, if one could call it that, was a mess.

Clothes from delinquents doing activities I don't want to think about were thrown around like confetti, smashed berries were decorating the once clean ground, and above it all, the only thing that irked me more than anything, was Bellamy Blake deciding he was going to take over the role of the leader.

I'm all for "sticking it to the man", but I'm not naive like he is. I know that if we don't work together, we will die out here.

This fact only seems to exist in Clarke, Wells, and I minds.

I stomped over to Bellamy, making sure my loud footsteps woke up the whole camp to see what I had in store for the new "bad boy" of Earth.

"Bellamy Blake," I yelled, facing his special tent he set up for him and his many lady friends. "I need to talk to you so get out here NOW!

If the camp wasn't awake by then, it was now.

"What are you doing Y/N," Murphy asked, appearing out of nowhere with his little gang of misfits. "If you wanted your turn, you could've asked me."

I scoffed. "And risk catching a disease?"

The small crowd I gathered gasped at this, all of them a little scared of the stabby brunette man

"You know what? Every since we got down you've been a pain in the ass! When we were back on the Ark we used to have fun together, what happened to that," Murphy snarled, clenching his fists at his side.

"We got caught, remember," I fired back.

"What is going on," another voice said, breaking up mine and Murphy's staring match in the middle of sleepy delinquents.

"Finally," I shouted, pushing Murphy out of my way to step closer to Bellamy. "We need to talk. And I don't want any of your inspiration boloney, this is serious."

"Fine, but whatever you tell me, they can hear also," he sneered, peering down at me with a smirk.

"Fine," I said back, clearing my throat for the practiced speech I had in mind.

"Bellamy, the rest of the gang, do you not see that we are putting ourselves in a deep pit that we may never climb out of? Do you not see that we are killing ourselves with every swap of DNA and every late night berry eating party? We need to store food, not waste it by berry fights. We need to work together, instead of hooking up for one night. We need to build a adequate shelter, instead of the king gets his space and the peasants sleep on the ground. We need to work together to ensure that we stay here."

Everyone was quiet as my speech finished, until I locked eyes with Bellamy and saw his gears working for a speech of his own.

"Who cares? They sent us down here to die, not to survive. Sorry for having a little bit of fun,
y/n. If thy wanted us to survive, don't you think they would've sent us food? Blankets? Water? They sent us nothing, so we tell them nothing," he said, cheering the crowd along until his words got lost within the celebrations of their inevitable deaths.

He walked closer to me, with me not taking every a tiny step back. He was so close, I could see his irises expand.

"When will you see that what you're doing is killing us," I told him.

"I do what I want. If it kills us, at least I can I lived, how about you?"


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