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Sorry this is really bad and I didn't know how to end it. And sorry for it taking forever, school this week seemed to take everything out of me.


"Murphy! Stop flirting and get over here!"

The brunette turned his head to me with a scowl from the two giggling girls, stomping towards me with his heavy shoes. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the small amount of food we had left.

I felt his hot breath on my shoulder, sending dreaded shivers down my spine, before I saw his stupid face.

"What," he practically growled, making me have to stop myself from rolling my eyes once again.

"We're out of food, smartie. You know what that means, we will starve if we don't get more," I hissed, keeping my voice down to not cause panic.

Murphy rolled his eyes and I could practically feel the irritation rolling off of him. "How about you do something for once, other than thinking you're the boss over everyone."

With those words of venom, he spun on his heel and went back to the two giggling girls.

I strolled to the front gates, determined to show Murphy I do more than just talk, and grabbed a gun only to get stopped by Bellamy.

"Kayla, stop. Where are you going?" Bellamy grabbed my arm to stop me, only making me see the sight of Murphy with the two girls practically all over him.

"To get food," I said, not taking my eyes off Murphy.

Bellamy turned his head to see what I was staring at, and his eyes softened when he took in the sight of Murphy's hands on the girls butts. He turned back to me and sighed softly, letting me go.

"If you don't come back in the next two hours, I'm going out there for you," he said as I stormed out of the safety of the camp, heading as far away as I possibly could from the stupidly attractive boy with the dumbest brain ever.

As I got deeper in the forest, carelessly breaking twigs and crunching every leaf, I started to realize that I was being followed.

If I trained my ears a little more carefully, I could hear someone else's twigs breaking under their heavy footsteps. My first reaction was that it was Bellamy following me to make sure I didn't get lost.

I spun around on my heel, my eyes closed as I said my sentence cockily, "Might as well go home Bellamy. I'll be fine out here on my own."

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw brown ones of a young grounder before the butt of a knife was being slammed into my head, and everything was black.


"Kayla, wake up! Kayla!"

The person frantically shaking my body yelled in my ear, and that's when my senses came flying back to me.

I opened my eyes to see Bellamy's curly mess of hair, and instantly furrowed my brows in confusion.

Bellamy wasted no time in getting me to my feet, despite the pain in my arms and legs. After I took one step and almost fell to the ground again, Bellamy scooped me up in his arms, yelling orders to his men that accompanied him.

My eyes scanned over the room I was in to see two dead grounders on the floor, the young one clutching a knife. They must've taken me to their house, as my own blood lay in a puddle on their dirt floor littered with their clothing.

The light from outside the cave made me squint my eyes, and when they re-opened, I saw my stained pant-leg in my own blood and passed out.


"You're alright now Kayla, everything's okay. Your leg will heal and everything will be fine."

I opened my eyes to see Clarke talking to me softly as she studied my leg.

There wasn't a moment of silence that I could speak before I heard Murphy's voice right outside the drop ships door. "LET ME SEE HER!"

He made me close my eyes as the yelling made my head hurt again. A dull thump that got more painful with every breath.

I could feel Clarke leave my side, probably to tell Murphy to shut up, but to my surprise, I heard heavy footsteps and my left hand being picked up gently.

"Kayla, I'm sorry. This is all my fault, I always mess up, Im sorry. If I would've of chosen you over those girls than you wouldn't be here. I know that's no way to treat the girl you love and I promise I won't anymore."

I felt him press the back of my hand to his lips softly. I decided now would be the time to let him know I heard it all, and opened my eyes.

"I love you too Murphy," my hoarse voice croaked.

Murphy's eyes went wide, before meeting my gray ones with a steady gaze. "You do?"

I nodded my head slowly, despite the pain in my head. Murphy's grip on my hand tightened before releasing it altogether and running a hand through his hair.

"I'm really sorry, Kayla." I could see he was battling with himself to touch me or not, so I reached out and grabbed his hand like he did to me, gently squeezing it and locking our hand together.

"It's alright. You couldn't of known."

Murphy immediately relaxed and his gaze settled on my lips. I looked down at his and watched as he licked them before gently leaning down towards me.

As they touched, I felt a shiver run through me before all of my senses gave over to Murphy's lips.

Finally I was kissing got crush and it only took a spear to the leg to do it.

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