Murphy- 10

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It was quiet.

The only real sounds that hit my ears were my boots stomping on twigs and leaves, and my gun hitting the button on my jeans every so often.

The only sound from Murphy was an occasional grunt.

We had been walking for hours now, at least that's what it seemed, and so far no animals worth eating had crossed our path.

Secretly I was glad. Although I knew that every little bit of food helped, I just knew that if any animal were to come across us, I wouldn't be able to shoot it. I was too caring to shoot an animal, however large or small it may be.

That's why I was very surprised when Murphy, who was trying to prove that he was helpful for the camp, choose me to be his hunting partner.

I've tried to talk to him about it, but every time I turned my head to look at him, his head seem to be in a different place.

In the present I kicked a rock with my boot, desperate to break the silence between us.

Instead of hearing the rock tumble a bit along the path we were taking, I got a huge boom of thunder from behind us.

I only thought I had super powers for a second before Murphy let out a low whistle as he looked behind us.

Turning my head I saw what earned the whistle; tall and dark clouds that loomed over us, making the sun slowly disappear and for us to be left in dim light.

"Looks like we need to find a place to sleep, huh princess," Murphy said with a smirk, walking right past me.

I had every mean to tell him off, but to be truthful, my feet were hurting really bad.

We only walked a few more feet before another loud boom followed by a crack of loud lighting lit up the sky, and then only seconds later, the sky opened up and rain-drop after rain-drop stared to pelt us.

"I think I see a cave over there," Murphy said pointing a few feet away from us. "It's not too far and we can stay the night there." When he turned to see if I agreed with him, using his gun as a make-shift umbrella, his face couldn't help but to smirk.

"Seriously y/n? We're in the middle of a thunder-storm and you want to stop to taste the rain?"

I glanced over at him with my mouth still open, only a few drops actually getting in. I let it a joyful laugh as my hair started to stick to my head and my clothes turned a shade darker from the heavy rain.

"For all you know, that could be radioactive," he stated, that same smirk on his lips.

"Well I guess you better save me. I am your princess after all."

That made his smirk grow into a smile.

"Join me Murphy," I laughed, throwing my hands up in the air. He didn't budge, still holding his gun over his head to try to save his hair from getting completely soaked; so I ran over to him and grabbed the gun out of his hands and dropped it to his side, grabbing his clammy hands and laughing again.

"Y/n," he whined. "My hair is getting wet."

"Oh you poor baby. It's not making it look any worse."

"Oh like you could talk," he said smiling.

I faked a gasp, but we all knew our hair always look like crap, except for Clarke. For some reason, that girl can pull of any hairstyle with any level of grease.

"Murphy, we all know I have the best hair. You're just jealous."

"Fine, Im jealous of your 'oh-so-amazing' hair."

I laughed again as another crack of lightening lit up the sky, and the joyful Murphy suddenly got serious again.

"We need to get to the cave. Your going to catch a cold," he muttered, going back to pick up his gun.

"I don't wanna go," I whined.

Murphy didn't answer, instead he walked straight towards me and picked me up, throwing my over his shoulder with ease.

I squealed, gripping onto whatever I could to not fall off.

"Murphy! What are you doing?"

"I'm saving my princess."


I know this wasn't requested and I actually have a request to do (Your request will come out soon, promise) but I got inspiration for this imagine and couldn't stop thinking about it. So here it is!

I honestly think I'm getting better at imagine's then I was before😂

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