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"Will you just hold still? I can't seem to get your face right with you moving all the time."

I heard a huff and I glanced up at the boy from my paper. His shoulders were hunched and his face was deflated, not the usual smile Im used to seeing.

"You act like I'm killing you. All I'm doing is drawing," I told him sarcastically.

"Yeah, but this is taking forever. Why me out of the whole 100?"

"Your face just makes me feel inspired." Setting my notebook on my legs, I gave him a gentle smile.

"Really?" His face perked up, alighting with a smile.

"Nope, you're the first person I saw."


Ever since I found this stuff in an abandoned grounder cave the only thing I've wanted to do is sit and capture the goofy grin on paper. Plus it would be some quality time with the smarty pants of the group.

"Deep down, I think you like me."

"Monty, everyone likes you."

I heard him snicker as I brought the paper closer to my face, working on the details of his face.

We've only been here for ten minutes, but to Monty it's been ten hours. He keeps complaining about bracelets and other tech stuff that goes over my head.

I always reply with a snarky comment about him working too hard, to which he replies with a comment about having to.

It's a circle really.

"Are you almost done? I have things to do other than sit here."

"Oh yes, how could I forget when you literally remind me every time it goes quiet!"

"Well, someone has to do it! The ark won't save itself!" I rolled my eyes and flipped the paper around to show him.

I thought I did a good job with his hair, swept to the side with a smirk on his face. He sat on a cot that was transformed into a bar stool in my picture. And his hands sat at his sides, each finger showing the dirt under his fingernails.

"Where did you learn to draw like that?"

Happy at a chance to explain myself, I started to tell him the story of my guard that was my best friends dad bringing me art supplies and helping me hide them. When I got bored I would draw, and I got pretty detailed too.

"That's amazing! It was worth the ten year wait."

I blushed at his compliment as the tent flap was pulled open, showing the shaken up best friend.

"Monty, Clarke needs you." Then his eyes caught ahold of the picture still being held up. "Did you draw that? You have to draw me next."

"Hey, she's mine," Monty spoke up, causing a new set of blush to be formed.

"Chill, I don't want your girlfriend just a picture of my face."

"We aren't dating," we muttered out at the same time. Before Monty left the tent, leaving me and Jasper behind.

At the end of the day my hand was cramped from drawing the delinquents. Everyone wanted a picture, because apparently it's like a mirror.

But with all of the pictures flying around, I lost the one I really wanted. Monty's.

My tired feet carried me across camp to the boy's tent. I threw the flap open and opened my mouth to speak, but closed it when I saw the sight before me.

Asleep on his cot was a tired looking Monty, but the sight that really got me was the picture of him beside his cot.

A smile overtook my features and I walked out of the tent, the smile still on my face as I finally laid in my tent to sleep.

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