Bellamy- 17

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Part two to Bellamy-16
Requested by: @ShayleeTerry7

The drink in my hand tastes like absolute garbage. I tilt my head back and throw the putrid liquid to the back of my throat. It burns the whole way down.

I hold the cup out and Monty fills it back up again, a huge smile on his dorky face. I just lacked the heart to tell him his special juice actually tasted like crap.

Again, I tilt my head back and throw the liquid back. This time, surprisingly, it doesn't taste as bad.

"I didn't peg you for the party type, Y/N," Jasper says, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

I wasn't.

The thing is it all got too much. With Wells death, along with two of my best friends from the grounders, I figured I only had so long until I died as well. I might as well take some risks before I can't do anything.

All around me, delinquents partied. Some have already turned in for the night, their passed out bodies scattered around the ground. Others played games with their friends, while there were a few that were so far gone they were in their own world.

Jasper and Monty left me when they caught sight of Octavia, and my eyes caught ahold of her brother. He had a cup of Monty's juice in his hands, his guard jacket thrown over his broad shoulders and a smile on his face.

I smiled without even realizing it.

Just yesterday, after he had a stressful meeting with Clarke, he dragged me behind the camp to do some hunting, even though I explained to him I wasn't going to kill anything. He laughed lightly and told me it was just an excuse to hang out with me.

I don't like him. Not like that. I still think he's the biggest douchebag this world has ever seen, but now he's a douchebag that chooses to be nice to me.

Someone held out a fresh cup of juice to me and I smiled, already feeling drunk. I took it and threw it back. This time it didn't even burn.

A few minutes later and I was stumbling towards a little tipsy Bellamy with an alternate motive.

My best friend used to always tell me to do something risky and be so bad that it's good. I waved her off and pegged her for being a few marbles short, and now here I am about to follow my dead best friends advice.

"Hello Bell," I said, stumbling into his arms.

He caught me and wrapped an arm around my waist. His breath fanned over my face as he took in my appearance. "Hello Y/N. Having fun?"

The people he were talking with disappeared in a matter of seconds, or maybe I just didn't notice them anymore. I leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "Dance with me."

He let out a little groan as I drunkly lead him to the middle of the makeshift dance floor a few delinquents had started. The music wasn't even that great, but when you're drunk, it really doesn't matter.

I pressed my back against his front and started to wiggle my hips until he moved from his stick position. His hands found my waist, and after they touched my skin, I moved again. This time I faced him and slowly bent my knees until I was looking at his thighs and then went back up.

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