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Requested by: @Hades_texted_me

The sun shone right through the thin material of my tent and hit me square in the eyes. I woke up a few minutes later, the sun still shining right in my dark eyes. I could already feel a headache pounding on my temples.

I groaned, throwing my hands over my eyes. It was the start of the day and already I could tell it wasn't going to be good.

In my head I could already see the long list of chores I would have to do today. The Grounders attacked two days ago, showing us our security system actually sucks. And, of course, this means there's enough work to last us for the next ten years.

I finally got up and dressed and went outside. Everyone around had already started on their work. I saw Bellamy give me a hard look as he worked on chopping up some wood for the fence, I waved him off.

A few hours later and I was beyond ready for bed. It wasn't even lunch yet and my headache went from a pounding to a full on migraine that beats to the beat of my heart.

We all paused for a lunch break, and that's when I noticed Murphy.

We've been best friends for as long as I can remember, and I'm probably the only friend he know has. Since the Grounders have attacked everyone is hostile, and everyone likes to blame the delinquent, who just happens to be my best friend.

Already today I've heard both Bellamy and Clarke telling Murphy to get his stuff together and work. I stayed quiet, knowing if I intervened everyone, especially Murphy, would be mad at me.

Right now he's walking towards me with a plate of his own food in his hands. He sits next to me. I turn towards him, hoping maybe my mood will be lifted, but he didn't look like he was in the mood to talk.

His hair sat on his forehead matted from the sweet and made his eyes look dark and angry. His lips were pressed firmly in a thin line when he wasn't opening them to take a bite; a normal occurrence for him, but today it seemed more hostile than usual.

I turned back towards my own plate of food, feeling my own mood sink further down.

By the end of the day, I was tired beyond belief. My head was pounding so much I couldn't think straight. The only thing I could focus on is the last chore of the day we were given- putting the cut wood in a neat pile for a group of boys to start building a better fence tomorrow.

Me and Murphy were given the job, as they figured we would work the best together. Any other day, yeah probably, but not today.

I picked up a heavy piece of wood, throwing it in the pile. Murphy was right behind me, except his piece missed. It tumbled down to the ground, bringing some of the wood we just put up with it.

He mumbled a curse, bending down to pick up the wood.

In my mind, I thought about how much this would put us back. I wouldn't be able to sleep for another ten minutes, at the least, now. Then, I snapped.

"Murphy, can you not do anything right?" He froze with wood in his hands that he picked up from the ground, eyebrows furrowed. "This is our only job! And it's the simplest one here. Put the wood in the pile, that's it! Nothing else, nothing more! But you can't do it. You can't do the simplest job here! You can't do anything right!"

"What's wrong with you," he muttered. He threw the wood in the pile, landing it safely this time, and turned towards me.

"You Murphy. You're what's wrong with me! Don't you get that through your thick skull."

By this point, some of our camp members have tuned into our conversation and Murphy glanced around at them. "You're causing a scene, Aura. Just calm down."

"Don't tell me what to do Murphy. You don't get to tell me anything!"

I stormed away from him, pushing past the bystanders and headed for my tent. I laid across my bed and started to cry. My head started to pound even more, but soon the pain slowly went away and I was left with a dull ache as I though about what I just did.

I felt terrible for snapping at Murphy like that. I'm his only friend and I treated him like that.

It was late when I crept out of bed to head towards Murphy's tent. He wasn't in there, but I noticed his knife was missing.

The only other place I know he would be is in the woods, at his thinking place. I gently crept through a hole in the walls and headed that way.

As I grew closer, I heard soft crying.

I literally thought my heart had gotten ripped out of my chest.

When I got there, what I saw confirmed my fears. Murphy was crying, his head forward, staring at a tree in the distance.

"Murphy," I muttered.

He jumped, then all at once he wiped his tears away. "What, Aura." His tone was so hostile it caused me to flinch, he noticed.

"I... I didn't mean to snap at you like that," I said. I slowly eased myself to the ground until we were both sitting next to each other, our backs against a wide tree. "I was tired, and I wanted to get done."

He nodded his head, and then we were both quiet for awhile. The cold started to creep into my bones though and soon I was shivering. Murphy noticed how cold I was and wrapped an arm around me. I leaned into his chest, feeling more warm by the second. He laid his chin against my head and placed a kiss on my hair.

"I love you Murphy," I whispered. "You know I love you right."

He didn't agree. I pulled back, confusion etched in my brow. He had his eyes down towards the dirt we were sitting on. I grab his head lightly with my hands, making his eyes land on me.

"I love you Murphy." He smirked, but still remained silent.

I grew frustrated. His hair was pushed away from his face, showing his jaw-line and his dark eyes. I leaned forward without even realizing I was doing it. He stayed still, letting me close the distance between us while I held his head still.

When our lips touched, I felt a shiver of delight spread down my spine. I started to kiss him and a second later he kissed me back.

When I pulled away, he was smiling. The first time I've seen his smile in awhile. It made me smile seeing him happy.

"I love you, Murphy," I repeated, snuggling back into his chest.

"I love you too, Aura."

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