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Requested by: @1134Words

"Come on Victoria. We're supposed to be hunting, not watching the sunset."

"Oh shut it, Murphy," I mumbled, watching the last colors disappear from the sky.

"We need to get back," Murphy whispered, now standing beside me in the small clearing. He grabbed my hand, the one not holding my gun, and gently pulled me back from the view.

I followed him, trying to ignore how my hand was tingling. As we walked, Murphy still held my hand even though I was perfectly safe to walk on my own.

"You know... you don't have to hold my hold, but if it makes you feel good then-"

Murphy abruptly dropped my hand, hiding his blush by turning his head. "I wasn't holding your hand."

I tucked a strand of my curly hair behind my ear and smiled as I walked on beside Murphy, occasionally stealing glances at him and feeling him steal glances at me.

"Are you sure we're going the right way," I asked him, after realizing that we lost the trail we made coming here.

"Yeah, camp is just around the corner."


"Yeah, camp is just around the corner," I mimicked, waving my hands to compensate for my tired feet.

"You're the one who had to stop to see the sunset."

"And you're the one that lost the trail," I said back. "You know what, doesn't matter. We'll find our way back."

And with that, I went to search one way and he went the other way.

I was so focused on looking for footprints, I didn't see the tree until I ran into it. I fell on my back and when I looked back up, my breath was taken away as beautiful butterflies were in my vision.

They all seemed to glow in their own way, each flapping their wings as they covered one tree in the beautiful blue.

"Murphy," I whispered-yelled, wishing to not scare off the butterflies, but wanting my hunting partner to see what I found.

"Murphy." He finally turned around and started to head towards my figure as I slowly got off the ground.

"What's wrong," he whispered, before he caught ahold of the scene in front of him and stopped asking his question. I started to walk towards them, but Murphy held me back. "What if they're mutant man-eating butterflies?"

I blinked once at him, then whispered, "Then you better come to my rescue."

He let me go as I walked closer to the butterflies on the tree, their wings drawing me closer until I stood right in front of the large tree.

Knowing Murphy finally got the guts to see the mutant butterflies up close, I whispered, "Aren't they pretty?"

"Yeah, but I know something that's prettier."

"Oh yeah, what," I asked, turning to see Murphy staring at me.

"You," he breathed, before placing his hands on either side of my face and bringing me to his lips.

His lips worked against mine in a steady rhythm, making me forget about the butterflies, only focusing on him. His hands holding me close to him, how he tastes fresh for being down here for awhile, and how soft his chest feels as my hands grip his shirt.

He broke the kiss, a smirk on his face glowing blue from the butterflies. His hands tucked my curly hair away from my face and his thumb traced my bottom lip seductively.

"You know, we could just stay here for the night," he whispered, resting his forehead on mine and making his hot breath hit my lips.

"You're hilarious."

I walked away from him and the butterflies, a smile on my face as I left him in the clearing to try to find the way back.

"It's always an option," he said.


When you don't know how to end it so you just....

Hope this was the kind of fluff you were looking for. ;)

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