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Strong arms were holding me close to the warm body, my face pressed into hard abs. His feet were tangled into mine and his intoxicating smell lingered in my nose. I looked up at the sleeping face, his brown hair thrown to the side, curls spilling out. Those very attractive freckles, littered across his face like sprinkles. His eyes closed, peacefully sleeping.

Who wouldn't love this? Me.

I mentally cursed myself for being so stupid. It was the fifth day on Earth and already I had slept with the player/ leader of camp.

Slowly, I took his arms off of me, and backed up to the edge of the cot in the makeshift tent. He didn't move and his soft breathing was still even.

I slowly stood up and looked around the room.
There were clothes everywhere, some I recognized as mine and his, but there were others that I didn't recognize. I walked over to my shirt, thrown all the way across the room.

Flashbacks of last night rolled through my head. His hands on me, my hands on him, my moans and the pleasure he gave me....

I slipped on my shirt and walked over to me pants. As I was leaning down, I felt hands slowly run down my butt.

I turned around to come face-to-face with a smirking Bellamy Blake.

"Woah, I-uh don't think you should touch me, or ever," I said, looking down at the ground to stop staring at his naked body.

"You didn't seem to mind last night," he said, the smirk growing bigger on his adorable face.

"That was last night, this is a new day," I said with confidence in my tone, looking back up at the smirking person.

"Whatever you say babe."

I rolled my eyes as he started putting on his clothes and I quickly pulled up my jeans. I ran fingers through my messy locks, trying to look like I didn't just sleep with the groups player.

"Is there a back exit?"

"A back exit? No, you need to walk out the front, I have a reputation to keep up," he said.

"I do too, that's why I need the back exit." I looked around and found a small hole that I could crawl through, but I would get my clothes dirty.

I was about to get on my hands and knees to crawl through when I felt hands around my waist pulling me up. I was thrown over his shoulder and he was walking towards the front exit.

"Let me down!"

"Aw come on, don't act like it wasn't the greatest night of your life." He sat me down, my back to the flap of the tent, as he poked my nose.

"That's what you say to all of the girls. I know, they talk about it too much."

He laughed, "I'm sure they do. If you really want to leave, doors that way."

I turned to look at the flap and weighed my options. Walk out and look like an embarrassment or fight off the leader and probably have to do chores for the rest of your life.

With a sigh, I turned towards the flap.
"You can do this. You don't want to do chores for the rest of your life," I whispered, trying to sike myself up.

"That's right, chores," he whispered in my ear, arms back around me and his chin on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and pushed his head off my shoulder which earned me a laugh.

"Don't you have to like, lead or anything?"

"Nah, it's a part time job right now." He laid down on his cot, arms crossed, watching.

I slowly lifted the flap of the tent, still talking myself into it.
"Before I forget, what's you name?"

I turned back towards the smirking body, not so secretly checking me out.
"Eww, let's just leave this as a one night stand, okay Blake?" His smirk only grew bigger.

I left the tent in a hurry, stepping out in the sunlight I still wasn't used to. Before I could walk away, the group of girls that Bellamy has slept with, made their regular sweep around Bellamy's tent.

"Y/n! You slept with Bellamy, Oh my god!"
I crossed my arms as the girls squawked about me sleeping with the player.

"Y/n, huh?" I turned to see a smirking Bellamy staring down at me.

I pushed him away and walked off to my tent, making sure my butt looked really good as I made my grand exit.

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