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I threw a punch, but he blocked it and we both got back into our fighting stances.

Our breaths were mingled and going at the same pace as we bounced back and forth on the heels of our feet, planning the next attack.

Bellamy threw a punch and then threw one at my stomach, but I blocked both, already knowing his game.

I thought back to my last training session with Lincoln, knowing he taught me a move that Bellamy doesn't know yet. I smirked and got in the position I needed to bring him down.

He had no clue as he held his hands to his face, trying to protect the layers of freckles there.

I swung forward, but pulled back when he ducked like I knew he was going to do. I then swung a leg out and tripped him when he was coming back up from his duck, the bouncing of his feet just beginning.

He fell back on the old mats, his hands laying on his chest and a handsome smirk on his face.

"Guess you lost again, Blake," I said in-between pants.

I held my hand out for him to take. He placed his large hand in mine and I was getting ready to pull him up, but he pulled me down on top of him.

Our faces were inches away and I could feel his warm breath on my lips. His brown eyes captured mine and I wanted nothing more than to trace the freckles and stress lines I know he has with my fingers.

"Oh Y/N, we all know Im the real winner here," he said huskily as he slowly brought his lips up to mine.

The taste of sweat wasn't on his lips as I captured them with as much passion as he did, biting on his lower lip for a gentle moan. His hands pressed me down on his stomach, gripping my hips. Mine held his head in place, hands on either side of his head.

Then we heard heavy boots and a snicker.

I rolled off of Bellamy as fast as I could, laying on the mast next to him. I looked up at Lincoln who had a knowing smirk on his face.

"Nice training session guys," he said, grabbing a bag from the floor.

I covered my face with my hands as a layer of blush crept up onto my cheeks. I heard Bellamy chuckle beside me and I knew they were smirking at each other.

"Every session is good with her."

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