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I scurried away from my boyfriend that was bound to find me. He knew these woods like the back of his hand, I didn't know anything that well, except him.

What started out as a simple hunting trip turned into a tickle fight.

You never really know with me. Last night me and Bellamy had a twerking competition, and I'm sad to say, I lost. Bell knows how to shake his stuff.

Laughing I jumped over a fallen tree and hid behind it, calming my breathing to not alert him. I hear fast steps approaching and then the body of my boyfriend jumping over the log I was occupying.

He stopped after he was clear of the log, looking both ways for me, his black mop flopping around on his head.

Using my expert sneaking skills, I toe walked to the confused boy. When I was inches away, I jumped on his back. He let out a sound of surprise as I wrapped my arms around his neck and laughed in his ear.

"You got me that time princess," his deep voice said as I continued to laugh in his ear.

His arms found my thighs to keep me stable as he started walking back to camp, the place where I've been locked up since the first attack.

"Woah, no Bell! We don't even have food, we can't go back without food," I whined causing him to let out a throaty laugh.

"Fine, but we actually have to hunt."

"Okay." He dropped me gently, my feet making a plop sound on the dusty ground. He immediately started looking for tracks while I took the time to study his features.

He is, by far, the most attractive man on Earth.

His fair skin dotted with the freckles I love to kiss. His petite nose and plump lips. The curly back hair that feels so great when I'm running my hands through his hair.

"If you keep staring at me like that I will never be able to focus."

"Right sorry, back to hunting." I smiled to myself as I clutched the little knife in my hand.

"Got something. You have to stay quiet okay, don't step on any big sticks," he commanded.

I nodded my head and watched as he walked forward, following the tracks he spotted. We walked in a peaceful quiet, the birds chirped overhead, the leaves on the trees creating a blissful noise, and the smells of everything hitting me in the nose.

Then something really did hit me in the nose. Bellamy shot me a smile as he crouched to a hunting position behind a bush. I hid behind a tree, rubbing my nose that ran into Bellamy's back.

I was too focused on the pain in my nose, I didn't realize my boyfriend had already attacked.

Only when I heard a squeak my mind focused back on what we were supposed to be doing.

I looked around my tree to see my boyfriend stab the pig in its neck, blood coming out as Bellamy looked on with a sullen face.

When the thing finally stopped moving, Bellamy looked up at my position behind the tree. He was sweaty and flustered, but he looked very hot.

I looked him up and down, biting my lip as I know it drives Bellamy crazy. He moaned, hand clamped on his bloody knife as he looked between me and the dead pig.

Finally deciding on his girlfriend, he walked closer to me, checking me out as I backed away from the tree.

I smiled, we were going to do it in the woods.

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