Finn- 3

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The quiet scene before my eyes made me wonder why anyone would want to destroy it with bombs and war.

The lake I was currently at had a entire ecosystem living in its blue coat of water. Moss was laying on the waves, soaking up the sunlight that streamed down through the trees.

I could see the fish swimming around my pole, teasing me into thinking they would do the honor of being my food for tonight.

And despite all of the nature dancing before my eyes, the man who sat next to me was enough to take my breath away.

It was Finn, the guy who has been there for me more times than I can count.

His brown hair replicated the waves of the pond as they flowed down his shoulders. His face was tanned from the sun just like the moss. And he too was teasing me by placing his hand on my thigh.

"We aren't catching anything Finn," I whined to my boyfriend, done with the sport of 'fishing'.

"Hold on, let me go grab something."

He left me on the rock we claimed as ours for the day, a rock that set out far enough to dance with the waves.

I felt the sun on my face as the birds around me chirped their songs, compete bliss.

Until strong hands pushed me into the water.

I came up spitting the water out of my mouth at the rock I had occupied. My boyfriend was dying of laughter as he gripped his stomach and fell to his knees.

"You butthole," I told him, as he continued to let out his bellowing laugh.

"If it.. makes you feel any better... I'll get in too," he said between laughs.

After he got himself together, he pulled off his shirt letting me see his toned chest, and climbed into the water next to me.

When he was close enough to wrap his arms around my waist, I splashed the cold water at his face, watching as his hair matted down due to wetness.

"Oh, that's how you're going to play this?"

We backed up and started splashing each other. Water was going in my nose and ears, causing the whole scene to become a blur, but I kept splashing as his hair turned darker and his face got drenched.

"Okay, fine, truce! Truce," he declared, holding his hands up.

"Fine." But I still narrowed my eyes at the smiley boy.

He holds his arms out like he does when he wants a hug, and still riding on the truce, I complied to his wishes, sharing body warmth with my boyfriend.

His arms were around my waist and mine were tangled in his hair as he planted a kiss on my lips, letting me taste the intoxicating flavor.

Our lips moved in sync, his hands traveling down to my butt, but before his hands could reach below the equator, I pulled back and kicked his legs out from underneath him. Him falling in the water, completely submerged.

When his face came back to the surface looking very unpleasant, I gave him a kiss on the lips and a smile.

"Sorry babe, but the truce couldn't last very long. I had to win."

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