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Requested by: @-ellakastner

An elbow jutted into my already empty stomach, making me let out a grunt of pain and annoyance.

All I wanted was some food, like always, but this time particularly because I feel like I haven't eaten in days.

Apparently, everyone else felt the same way, and apparently, John Murphy and Bellamy Blake thought this would be the perfect time to show they had reign over us crazy delinquents.

There was a rumor going around that the wrist-bands secured around our right wrists were for the Ark to tract and monitor us. These rumors only got confirmed when the payment for the food we wanted was announced- to take off the wrist-band.

My stomach let out another growl, my hand that laid across my stomach trying to rub some imaginary food into it.

Around me the others formed a perfect line, waiting to get their wrist-bands taken off; in what it looked to be a painful manner.

Still, I couldn't join them, and it wasn't because the wrist-band removal process looked painful. It was because my dad was still up there, working for the Ark while not knowing that his daughter wasn't there with him.

Granted, we got separated a long time ago, by something I didn't even do, but I still don't want anyone to break him the news that his daughter was dead. Whether she really is or not.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that kid Finn. Him and his shaggy hair trotted right up to the center of all the action and plucked two sticks of the roasted meat up and away.

The line let out a noise of complaint, but it surprised me that Bellamy and Murphy didn't make a sound.

As my stomach growled again looking at Finn's retreating food, I decided to stroll up there and pluck me a stick myself.

My steps alerted the boys at the front that someone else was coming, and I saw a few heads turn in the line to look at me, but I simply stared straight at the food and continued to walk.

My hand was outstretched towards the meat when a hand grabbed mine, and not in a gentle manner.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I'm sure my eyes were as wide as saucers as I locked eyes with John Murphy, whose hand was wrapped right around mine.

My hunger fueled my rage and I ripped my hand from his grasp, almost stumbling in the process. "Getting something to eat. What are you doing?"

"Stopping you from cutting the line," he immediately answered, his voice cold. "If you want food, you need to get to the back of the line. You aren't special."

"Oh, and Finn is?"

Murphy only narrowed his brown eyes.

"Unless you can give me a reason as to why Finn gets food and I don't, them I'm going to take this stick of food and I'm going to eat it," I hissed.

As I reached for the same stick as before, Murphy's hand grasped mine again. "The wrist-band," he muttered. "Take it off and you get food."

By this time, some of his cronies had surrounded us, making Murphy smirk with the satisfaction that he won this battle. I ripped my hand out of his grasp one more time, my face hardening in every way.

"Go float yourself Murphy," I shouted at him, stomping away, but not before I saw his face change from satisfied to shocked.

I had no idea where I was going. It was dark in a place I hardly knew, but I still walked away with my head high, finally deciding the back of the drop ship would be a good place to be.

I leaned my back against the metal wall of the drop ship, slowly sliding down until I was sitting on the ground. The dirt felt softer than the metal I'm used to, and in my hungry, exhausted state, it felt like it could've made a good bed.

But before I could dose off, I heard a soft voice call, "Marley?"

"Yeah," I answered back just as soft, curious about who it could be.

The last person I expected to come around the bend was John Murphy himself. And the last thing I thought he would be holding was a stick of the meat I was trying to get.

Once he saw me, I saw his shoulders visually relax. His eyes darted down to the stick in his hand and then to me again, sighing softly.

"C-Clarke made me give this to you," he said softly, stumbling over his words at first. He walked over to where I was and handed it over to me, which I grabbed graciously. "She said it wasn't fair."

I swirled the stick in my hand, watching the slightly burned meat swirl under the dim lights. "Tell her thanks for me," I told Murphy, looking up at him to see him nod at my request absentmindedly.

"I'm sure she already knows it," he mumbled.

There was a brief silence between us, and I brought the stick up to my lips, the smell of it throwing my empty stomach into overdrive. The meat didn't taste like anything on the Ark and if I wasn't hungry enough, I wouldn't of swallowed it.

"Yeah, it doesn't taste really good," Murphy said, probably looking at my disturbed face. "We're delinquents, not chefs."

"It's alright," I mumbled, my mouth still full of food.

"I should probably get back," he said a few seconds later, making me look up from my stick.

He wasn't looking at me, instead he was looking off in the distance with his face passive. His hair was messy around his ears and his eyes were kinda cloudy.

As he started to back up, his eyes flickered over to me.

"Hey Murphy," I called out, making him stop moving. "Thanks for the food. I know Clarke could care less about me." I motioned to the stick as I spoke, but his eyes didn't leave mine.

I watched as a tiny smile broke out on Murphy's face, his head dipping to hide it as it did.

"You're welcome Marley," but he said it so low that I almost didn't hear it over the chatter of the delinquents a few feet away.

Then he turned and walked away, not giving me another glance.


I hope this got you in the feels -ellakastner and sorry for it taking so long!

If you didn't know, -ellakastner  made the cover that currently sits on this book and I'm extremely grateful for it! Thank you so much!

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