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The sounds of gunshots made everyone tense up. I looked over a Clarke and Bellamy and then back at Octavia before running in the direction of the shots.

"Y/n, wait," I heard Bellamy call after me, but I was to set on getting to the sound.

I jumped over sticks and holes, sprinting to stop the continuous gunfire. The sound was getting louder, but I felt like I was miles away. Behind me I heard the others struggling like me.

Wanting to keep going, but struggling to fill the air in our lungs.

When I finally emerged in the clearing, it wasn't the sight I was supposed to see.

Finn, my boyfriend, was holding a smoking gun. A look on his face that scared me, terrified me and made me want to run all the way back to never see it again. Murphy looked as shaken up as I felt.

And in front of my boyfriend, lay dead grounders, unarmed. I spotted women and children blood seeping out of them. Then there were the cries of the ones that survived. Crying out for their loved one, but too scared to go for them.

I looked at the man that I loved. How I could braid his hair, the wispy strands running through my fingers. How he taught me so much about a planet we both had never been to. The nights when we enjoyed in each other's company, tangled together.

I didn't see the man I loved.

This man was different. He had a murderous look that replaced the loving gaze. His eyes were deep and not with lust.

"Y/n." Finn dropped the gun and walked towards me.

I took a step back and shook my head, no. Every time he stepped forward, I stepped back. The cries in my ears making me feel dizzy.

Until my foot hit a body.

It was a young man. Not much older than I was. He was dead, blood coming out of his chest. But, I saw my face on his. How I could of been the one dead, freed from the world.

"Y/n please, I thought they captured you. It just came over me, it was a accident."

I snuck a glance at Finn, heartbroken. Octavia was kneeled down by a young boy, Bellamy, Clarke, and Murphy looking on with saddened eyes.

I felt a hand lay on my arm, but I jerked my arm away. Rage soared through me.

"Finn... you can't just kill people because you thought they had me. That's not right, none of this is right."

Fin looked down at the ground, as I finally faced the boy I loved. Still love, but can't bring myself to face his choices that he made.

"We need to get out here, before anyone comes," Bellamy said. Slowly, each member of my group left until it was just me and Finn.

I turned, stepping over dead bodies my boyfriend killed and followed our leaders. Away from the problem at hand.

One thing running through my head, Why?

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