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REQUESTED BY: @DeniseRebeccaBlake

It was blistering hot outside. The kind of hot that makes you wish you were back in outer space, floating aimlessly around.

Instead of finding some cool shade to relax under, Bellamy and Clarke had us doing whatever little chores they could find.

My chore was to carry the sticks and logs that a group of boys either found or cut down back to the main camp, along with several other people. The load in my hands right now was already coated with someone else's sweat, and I couldn't wait to drop them.

Struggling, I finally did just that, hearing the satisfying sound of the wood hitting the others already there.

As I wiped my hand across my forehead, using the backside to not put even more grime on me, I heard someone calling my name. In a split second, Bellamy and his curly locks popped into my view.

"Denise, I need you to come get some water with me," he barked out, his voice laced with boredom as usual.

I felt myself feel a little disappointed.

One night, me and Bellamy both woke up in the same tent, our legs still intertwined with each other. Ever since then it's been hushed conversations and awkward eye-contact.

"Mmmhh sure," I mumbled absentmindedly, watching a bead of sweat run down Bellamy's forehead before he turned away from me as fast as he appeared.

I followed after him, picking up the empty bottles and pans that we used to hold our clean water in. When my hands were full, I started to follow Bellamy through the forest to where our watering hole was.

The hole was just filled up from the rainfall we got last week, and even though we would still have to boil the water to make sure it was free of any nasty stuff, this water was definitely better than the green lake a few miles away.

Once we arrived, I started to unscrew the caps from the lids of the bottles, feeling Bellamy's eyes on me as I did so.

But the heat was too much, I just couldn't take it.

Slipping one of my hands under my soaked shirt, I slipped it off in one motion, throwing it to the ground as I let out a sigh.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm cooling down," I said slyly, watching Bellamy's eyes leave my face to travel down my chest. Knowing his eyes were still on me, I slowly unbuckled my pants and slid those down to.

"Denise," he practically moaned as I stepped fully out of my pants, faking innocence to the whole situation.


"What? Do you have a problem," I asked, purposely trailing my eyes down to his pants and then back up again.

He shook his head slowly.

"Okay, then." I flicked my pants to the side using my foot, relaxing in the feeling of the small gust of wind hitting my practically naked body and cooling it all over.

The water looked too good to not wade in, and I slowly stride over to the edge of it, knowing that Bellamy was watching me the whole time.

"Denise, I know what you're doing. I really think you should stop."

As seductively as I could muster, I turned my head over my shoulder and smirked. "Make me."

With that, I was in the cool water, wading further in until my waist was fully submerged.

Bellamy looked like he wanted to join me as badly as I wanted him too. And, surprisingly, he did just that.

Stripping himself of his shirt and pants, he waded in to where I was floating.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" I dipped my head back in the water after I said it, wetting my hair.

I was hardly given time to stand fully straight up after dipping my hair because Bellamy's lips were on me. They tasted even better when they weren't flavored with whatever Monty and Jasper came up with that evening.

Quickly things went from cutesy, to Bellamy's hand cupping my right boob.


I moaned from the feeling of his wet hand on my wet boob, and the way they molded together so perfectly.

"You have no idea how good this feels right now," Bellamy muttered in my ear, his voice low and raspy, coming from some deep place within him.

I no longer knew if I was wet because of the lake or something else. ;)

With strange expertise, he dipped his fingers down and tugged down my panties. A gust of cold water went straight into me (I DONT EVEN KNOW IF THIS IS POSSIBLE), making me throw my head forward into Bellamy's neck.

He cupped my inner thighs, sending a shiver down my back from the feeling of his fingers lightly caressing the soft, wet skin down there.

With the heat beating down on us and the cool water between us, me hanging in Bellamy's arms, I couldn't ask for a better moment. Not until he lined himself up and pushed in, making myself moan and groan as he gripped unto his back.

The feeling was way better sober.

At least I knew I would remember this.



I completely know this suck ass. This sucked more ass than Bellamy was supposed to in this chapter.

And it's like two months late and I feel so bad about it.

But every time I would sit down to try to write this, someone would walk in or I would cringe myself out (that's why I had to add that bold text in because I was hard-core cringing). And I didn't even make Bellamy finish for Pete's-Sake, I wimped out and left it still dangling inside.... jeez but you know what I mean.

So if you want me to write you another chapter, maybe one without smut because apparently I suck at writing it, then I would. I would totally write another character chapter for you!

And sooooo sorry for making this sucky chapter be out so late!

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