Lincoln- 1

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Requested by: @aliciaspurrel

I sat with my back against the metal wall of the cage we were kept in like animals. My knees were pulled to my chest and I sat in thought, staring at the people I have come to know as my cell-mates.

A woman lay a few feet away from me, markings on her neck that signify that she should be the enemy, but she's told me too many stories of the crazy things she used to do when she was younger to be anything close to one. She coughs a few times, her skin oddly pale on her dark complexion.

I get ready to move over to her position, but someone beats me to it.

Lincoln kneels in front of the woman, brushing a sweaty strand of her dark hair away from her cheek. He speaks fast in his native tongue that I don't understand. I can only catch fragments, and by the way her smile stretches briefly, I can tell what he said has only brought her spirits up.

He stands and looks over where I'm sitting. Our dark eyes meet for a fleeting second before he heads back to his own place.

As he walks, I can see his stiff muscles from all the fighting we did only a few hours earlier. The escape plan would've worked if Monty's voice hadn't cackled over Bellamy's walkie-talkie.

I feel the sense of hopelessness settle in the pit of my stomach again. I look up at the one of the only small windows in our cell. All I can see is the sky, slowly darkening with rain clouds. I miss the trees and the grass, the smell of fresh air.

I repeat Lincoln's words he told me after we were all shoved in our cell again- "We will get out of this. Stay strong."

The sound of stomping boots alert my attention and I stand up, along with Lincoln, who takes a stride forward as Pike walks around the corner, followed by his posse.

I catch Bellamy's eye and look at the ground, thinking back to when he turned me in for being a traitor.

Pike walks forward, speaking words that I block out of my mind. I hear him say all the prisoners are guilty of the same crimes as Kane, who had already been sentenced to death. He says we will receive the same fate, but the words do nothing to frighten me.

I would rather die a traitor than side with Pike and Bellamy.

I only get sucked into the conversation when Lincoln steps forward. He speaks hushed to Pike, but I know what he's doing.

"Lincoln," I say, worry etched in my voice. I walk forward, ready to jerk him back from Pike and stop the conversation from ever taking place, but Kane steps forward and stops me. He shakes his head and I want to punch him in his bearded face, but I know that will get me nowhere.

Instead, I'm forced to watch Lincoln give his life for ours as Bellamy looks at me with guilt in his brown eyes.

Bellamy tears his eyes off mine, agreeing with Lincoln's plan. Pike slowly agrees.

He turns to the rest of the prisoners and announces that only three people will be giving their lives; Lincoln being one of them.

He leaves the same way he came. Bellamy stays behind for a second, looking into Lincoln's eyes, probably to ask for forgiveness, then he turns and follows his leader.

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