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Requested by @1134Words
This is my first request, so I hope you like it! And don't forget, you can do requests!


My boots on the metal floors of the fallen ark were the only sound in the abandoned halls. My breath was labored as I rounded another corner, my goal being my room on the opposite side of the ark.

After what felt like too many corners and a mile in running, I finally arrived at the familiar metal door.

I had stupidly left my guards jacket in my room. The only thing keeping me from facing the harsh punishment of Pike. I saw the dark jacket and slipped it on my body before exiting the room to make the journey back.

Really the jacket around my body wasn't the same as the others. While they wore it proudly, I wore it has a cover-up. So no one would question what side I really was on.

Sure, sometimes it was hard. Like when they wanted me to do something that I refused to do because it went against everything I believed in.

That's what is tearing us apart.

The bright sunlight hit my face, telling me I had work to do. When someone called out my name, I turned in that direction, leaving my thoughts in the ark.


As the sun finally sat on the horizon, I was let off guard duty.

My guard jacket fell in the same spot as it was this morning, and I quickly changed into something that wouldn't leave jean marks on my legs.

I just laid my brown hair on the pillow, but the sound of my door opening made me sit up again.

My boyfriend's curly locks appeared in the doorway, and I took a sharp breath.

You may think it's normal for your boyfriend to visit you after work, but not me. Ever since Bellamy became Pike's second hand, I've became his toes.

He only visits me when somethings wrong, and from the look on his face, I can tell that's what this visit is.

"Ava, how was your day?"

My green eyes locked with his brown ones as I lifted myself from my bed to come face to face with the tall boy.

"What's wrong Blake? I already did guard duty and signed off, I'm off the clock. Go get Monty to do it."

He grabbed my hand, sending those cursed tingles to arise. "Can't I see my girlfriend?"

For one split second, I almost believed him, but then reality came crashing down and I ripped my hand out of his grip. "No."

"Fine, Pike knows."

My heart stopped, but I refused to believe it. I've heard of the threats he gives out to anyone who disobeys him, I never thought he would put them into action though.

"Knows what? That we're dating? I can't believe it either."

He sat on my bed, looking like he was contemplating something bigger than not paying attention to his girlfriend.

"You're so stupid! Why would you take their side? Why would you become a rebel?"

They know.

I wasn't about to break down in tears, no way. I wore the jacket for too long, I carried out too many orders, and I let them stomp all over me and this wasn't about to be my downfall. I would rather get killed by grounders than killed by my own boyfriend and his foolish leader.

"Why? Do you really want to know why? Everything you and Pike has done hasn't been for the best of us, unlike you let yourself believe! You killed innocent grounders, you took their land, what's next bell?"

He looked up at me, his brown eyes a deep shade that almost made them black. I could hardly hear his words, but the impact they had on my heart was enough for me. "He'll kill you."

"I don't care. I would rather die for something I believe in, than go along with the crazy killer," I whispered, matching his low tone.

"But, I can't live without you. Please just... join us again. I can make him forget you ever thought of rebelling. It can be like it was back at the drop ship, you and me doing things together again."

"Bell, I can't. Even if you managed to convince him I was good, I wouldn't be able to live with myself at the thought of the things I would have to do."

"So, you're just going to let him kill you!" He backed up and screamed out. "Your no good in the ground, how's that supposed to help the rebellion or our people?"

"How am I supposed to help if I join the killers?! And those aren't your people anymore Bellamy! You would be able to see their hurting under your reign if they were. They are my people, I'm leading this rebellion."

"So this is it? After everything we've been through, your going to die in the clutch of our own Chancellor?"

"Unless you decide to do the right thing and stick up for what's right like we used to, then yes."

He sat down on my bed like he didn't believe the words that just came out of my mouth. I was fuming from the screaming match turned soft, my face probably a deep shade of red.

The boy on my bed just looked stunned, like the decisions he made were finally making an impact on him.

"We're through Bellamy, and I think we have been for a long time," I said, loud enough for him to hear me, but soft enough to come off as sad.

He managed to nod his head before he abruptly stood up and left my room, the door closing with more force than necessary.

And for the first time since I got shot in the leg, I sat on my bed and cried my eyes out.

Wishing things could go back as they were at the drop ship.

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