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Requested by: @Big_Daddy_L

"I literally can't believe you," I screamed in Bellamy's face. His jaw was tight as he watched me, his hands in fists at his side, but I could care less.

He crossed the line.

"I was protecting you, Lana. You should be thankful," he retorted.

"Protecting me? I was perfectly fine!"

Bellamy sighed, looking down at the ground before looking at me again. "He was all over you, Lana. What, do you like the attention or something?"

I froze, my mouth open in shock. Never before has Bellamy ever talked to me like that, and I don't really know how to react. I want to punch some sense into him, but I don't want to see him hurt. So, instead, I turn away and head towards my tent.

"Lana," I hear him call. "Lana."

"Go float yourself," I call back, pushing through some of the crowd we gathered to get to my tent.

When I reached it, I wrapped my arms around myself and started to cry.


The next morning I woke up with no excitement to start the day. The thought of seeing Bellamy tore at my heart.

We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. We help each other get through everything; I even knew about Octavia in the floor. But lately he's been acting weird, and last night he pushed me over the line.

All I was doing was talking with some of the delinquents, that's all. One of the guys playfully punched me in the shoulder and, when I complained, he rubbed it until it felt better. Then, out of nowhere, Bellamy arrived and caused all Hell to break loose.

I slowly got dressed, not ready to start the day. When I finally left my tent, everyone's head snapped over to me with pitiful expressions.

It was like that the whole day. I couldn't go anywhere without someone telling me he didn't mean it, or Octavia pulling me in for a hug and telling me he's stupid.

It was probably around 5 in the evening when Clarke walked over to where I was washing some of the things we use as bowls and silverware.

"Lana, we're sending you out on a hunting trip. Get ready. You leave in five minutes." She spoke quickly and then walked away as fast as she came.

I rolled my eyes, but left what I was doing to go grab my backpack in my tent. Honestly, a walk through nature sounded not half bad. I could clear my head and think about finding Bellamy to demand an apology from him.

I might've been able to go today without talking with him, but I definitely don't think I'll be able to continue this. I'll probably blow up.

I walk towards the main gate and up to Clarke. She smiles at me and then the gate opens and I walk through it, thinking my hunting team is waiting for me on the other side.

I was right. The hunting team was waiting for me on the other side, but it only consisted of Bellamy.

When he saw me he immediately turned towards the gate that had already closed, and yelled at Clarke. "What is this?"

"You two need to make up," Clarke yells back.

"This isn't going to help," I yelled back, crossing my arms over my chest. Bellamy turns towards me, his eyes narrowing on my short form.

"Well, make it work," she calls back, sounding like our mother.

Bellamy turns away from me and starts heading into the forest, softly grumbling. I follow after his wide back, my arms still crossed.

We continue like that for awhile, heading deeper into the forest around our camp, until I finally lose my temper and want answers.

"Why did you freak out," I ask. He doesn't answer, him still a few steps ahead of me, so I jog to meet his long strides. When he still doesn't look at me, I put a hand on his arm and pull back, causing him to stop.

"What," he asks, his voice husky. A few of his strands of hair stick to the sweat on his forehead, but I can still tell he's irritated. His jaw is tight and his eyes look down at me with venom.

"Why did you freak out," I repeat.

He rolls his eyes. "Isn't it obvious, Lana?" He pulls his arm from my grip, and starts to walk again.

"Not really," I call after his back. "Stop running away from your problems! Come back and talk to me, Bellamy."

He doesn't stop walking. "I'm not running away from you."

"It sure looks like it."

Finally, he turns around and starts to walk back. His hands are in fists at his sides and his head is down.

As he grows closer, I start to talk again. "Now can you answer any of my questions? Cause that would be very-"

My words get cut off as Bellamy presses his lips onto mine. His hands hold either side of my face as he angles my head up to meet his lips.

Everything clicks in my brain like there were parts of a puzzle just floating around waiting to be solved. It all makes sense when Bellamy's lips on pressed on mine, like I've been missing out on a big part of life that I only just discovered.

He lets go of my head and our lips slowly come apart. He's breathing heavily and his eyes lock onto mine for a split second, my mouth open in shock, and then he turns and starts walking deeper into the forest.

Slowly, my mind catches up to what's happening, and I run after him. "Bellamy," I call, but he doesn't turn around. I run in front of him and put my hands on the front of his shirt, stopping him from moving.

I look up at him, but he's avoiding my gaze. I sigh before getting on my tip-toes to place a kiss onto his lips. It's just as sweet as the kiss earlier, and he reacts to it almost immediately, wrapping his arms around my waist.

When I pull away, he lets out a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Lana," he says.

"I am too. I acted like a butt."

He lets out a sweet laugh, bringing me towards him with the arm around my waist and placing a kiss in my black hair. "You're too sweet."

"We do need to talk about your jealously."

He groans and I laugh at him, placing my lips on his again. Just like the previous times, I can't get enough of the feeling he gives me.


I hope this works. I really hated how this imagine was going at the beginning, but I slowly came to love it at the end.

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