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When we first got to the ground, one guy immediately caught my attention. And no it wasn't the strong leader, it was the goofy guy with the goggles.

He never failed to make me laugh with his endless bucket of jokes. He was strong, but sweet and knew when someone needed a hug.

I was totally in love with him, but he was obsessed with Octavia.

Ever since he got better from the spear attack, he has been attached to her, and when he wasn't, he talked about her. "Octavia did this" or "Octavia did that", it was making me sick.

Here we were, crowded around the fire as Jasper talked about one of his Octavia stories, ones I heard every day since they happened.

I leaned over to Monty and whispered, "Does he know that he already told us this story?"

"Probably not, he's said it too many times to keep count," he whispered back.
I snickered under my breath as Jasper got to the 'good part'.

"Do you think we should tell him no one is listening?"

"Nah," Monty whispered," Let him have this."

Everyone was too engrossed in their own conversations to notice that Jasper was talking, all except one who thought she could be a main character. Like no, this image isn't about you, so scatter.

Back to the point, Jasper was telling his story to no one in particular. After a while of various stories, I laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Jasp? I think you should come with me."

He turned his head in my direction giving me a goofy grin. "Yeah sure, y/n."

He followed me to the drop ship where I was planning on telling him that no one was listening and that maybe he should tone it done.

We were inside the drop ship when Miller walked down to our level. "Oh hey, y/n. I'm about to go on guard, you should entertain me again. It was fun last night."

"Yeah Miller, sure." I said with a smile.

When Miller left the drop ship, the protective Jasper came out. "You and Miller, huh. He better not hurt you or I will murder him."

"Woah, Jasper. Im pretty sure you won't be able to murder anyone."

"For you, I would murder anyone."

I laughed, "Jasper, is that supposed to be sweet?"

"Well yeah," he said, leaning on the table that was between us.

I leaned on it too. "Are you jealous of me and Miller?"

He rolled his eyes, but I could see the blush on his cheeks. "Nah, I just don't want him to hurt you."

"Oh yeah, he definitely could with our thumb war matches."

Jasper stood up and scratched the back of his neck as I laughed. "Really Jasper, I wouldnt cheat on you," I said as a joke.

Jasper didn't take it as I wanted him too. I expected him to laugh, but it was only my annoying laugh and Jasper's dopey smile.

"You have a crush on me?"

I stopped laughing and looked up at Jasper's awaiting face. Nervous I tucked a strain of my hair behind my ear, a habit of mine. I stared down at my fingers as I whispered, "Yass."

Jasper put his finger underneath my chin and lifted my head to face his. "I'm in love with my best friend," he whispered, the close proximity of our faces making me sweat.

When the words registered in my brain I back up, his fingers leaving my face. "You are?"

"Oh yeah, me and Monty. How could I ignore such a sexy beast?"

I started to blush, my mind spinning about how they could be dating and I not even know it. It wasn't until Jasper started laughing when I realized I just got pranked.

"You actually thought me and Monty were dating? I was talking about my other best friend."

"Oh yeah, who," I asked, my arms crossed over my chest, mad about being made fun of.

"You." He then walked the short distance to connect our lips.

He tasted sweet as he deepened the already passionate kiss. His hands settled on my waist as mine reached up to cup his face. The kiss went on for some time, from regular kiss to heated make out session.

When he pulled back, a smile spread across my lips. He rested his forehead on mine, a very intimate gesture that made my heart warm.

"Are you still going to talk with Miller?"

"Are you still going to obsess about Octavia?"

"No, I only have one girl now. And she's standing right in front of me."

"Well, I only have one guy. And he's name starts with a J and ends with an R."

Jasper laughed at my failed joke and gave me a peck on the lips. "So this means we're dating right?"

I laughed and shook my head which made Jasper smile. His big goofy grin that I really love.

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