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REQUESTED BY: @kat8989

My feet were starting to ache, but really it wasn't my fault.

It wasn't my fault that my brother decided to take me out to the middle of nowhere to tell me that I shouldn't become friends with the 'sky-people', more specifically, that I shouldn't become friends with Bellamy.

Sure, on one hand, I can see why. Bellamy did torture my brother for days, but in his defense it was to save his people.

I've told Lincoln many times that if it were the other way around, and we had to save our people, that we would do the same thing without blinking an eye.

I guess it's different when it's more personal.

"Caitlin, you know I'm just looking out for you," I heard him say, his voice making my blood boil.

I whirled around, really not expecting him to be so close behind me. He looked up at me with his chocolate eyes, and at that moment, I just wanted to punch him in the face for being so hypocritical.

"What about you and Octavia? Huh, Lincoln?"

I noticed the change in his behavior immediately. When you spend as much time together as we do, I could tell even the slightest changes in his mood or thoughts just by looking at him, and right now, he looked dazed out just by the mention of this girl.

"She's the sister of Bellamy, that means they share blood. Just like you and I are alike, they're alike too. Their both fighters, and you know that just as well as I do."

"Yes, but of different kinds." He spoke much softer now, like he was really trying to get me to listen. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

My feet were starting to ache again from standing in the forest for so long, so I twirled around again, set to get back to the camp to tell Bellamy all about this.

Truth be told, Bellamy knew Lincoln didn't like him. The feeling was actually mutual, not that my brother needed me to tell him this.

I stomped ahead some more, over fallen logs and crunchy leaves, hearing my brother right behind me. "What was the plan anyway? Drag me out here so you can tell me I'm making stupid life-choices?"

There was a moment of silence between us. Filled with a gust of wind that blew my hair into my face, the taste of it like the dirt I walked on.

"No." He paused, like he swallowed. "It was to try to talk some sense into you where you grew up; the forest. We aren't like them, and I don't want you thinking that you can be like them."

I wanted to snort and tell him that I knew that, that I knew I wasn't like them and that I never would be. But I decided not to. I knew he knew my answer, and that he was being overprotective like always.

After a few more long minutes of walking, the big gate to the camp finally came into view. But, right away, I knew something was wrong.

The people usually on guard were gone.

My brother seemed to notice this too, as we both sprinted up to the main gate, going inside fast to find that the camp itself was in a terrible condition.

People were throwing up and walking around aimlessly, some with dried blood under their noses or eyes. They weren't just moaning about it either, some people were actually crying as they lay beside their tents or on the floor, and I couldn't help but to think about Bellamy in this condition, making my heart pump fast with adrenaline.

As me and Lincoln walked closer to the drop ship, we passed a person who I knew was dead.

Their skin was pale and their forehead was still sweaty. A thick trail of blood come from their nose and eyes, and they were laying right beside a puddle of their vomit. I had to close my eyes to walk past it, wishing Bellamy wasn't in the same state.

When I pulled back the curtain to the drop ship, I expected the worst. Instead I saw Bellamy and his sister, Bellamy looking a lot worse than I had ever seen him before.

"Bell," I said, relived.

Octavia pulled back from the makeshift cot on the floor to let me get a full view of him. He was pale and bloody, but he was alive.

Quickly, I sat down next to the cot, feeling his forehead and cold cheeks as Octavia moved to greet my brother. But Bellamy grabbed my hand, his fingers ice cold.

"Caitlin, you need to leave."

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion, my head already started to disagree. "No Bellamy, you need my help. I won't leave-"

"No Caitlin, you have to go." He sounded weak and tired, but almost as relived to see me as I was to see him, yet he decided to push me away. "If you got sick, I could never forgive myself, ever."

"I don't understand, Bell." I wanted to cry, but I held myself together, knowing I couldn't break-down just because I was confused and scared.

His grip on my hand was loosening, his hand slowly falling to the cot below, dragging my hand down with it. I could see his eye-lids getting heavier, but he managed to say, "I don't want you to die, I love you."

A hand gripped my shoulder, directing me off of the ground. Slowly, I slipped my hand out of his, knowing I should probably do as he said even though the last thing I wanted was to leave Bellamy here with all of this mess going on.

As I stood up, Octavia sent me a small smile, Lincoln's hand still on my shoulder.

"I'll take care of him, Caitlin. Don't worry." She held up a wet rag, her face looking tired but definitely not as pale as Bellamy's.

"Thank you."

"Come on, lets go," Lincoln said, sending a thankful glance at his girlfriend but steering me out of the drop-ship. He dropped his hand from my shoulder and I dropped my head to the ground, not wanting to see the mess around the camp again as we walked out towards our home.

We were out of the walls and into the woods, almost back our house, when Lincoln finally spoke.

"Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he is different."

I turned back around and smiled, then carefully gave my big brother a giant hug.


I know this wasn't how it was in the show, Lincoln never did go to the camp when the people were sick, but for the sake of the plot we will say he did.

And thank you for waiting the long wait until I wrote this. I'm really sorry for making you wait that long❤️

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