Bellamy- 10

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"You look exhausted."

I scoffed, crossing my arms against my chest. "Thanks, you look pretty hot too."

Bellamy only shook his head, standing up off our shared cot to walk towards me and wrap his arms around me. "You know what I mean," he whispered in my ear. "How about you take the day off?"

"Bell I-"

"Are you forgetting whose in charge here," he said smugly, raising an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes, looking away from his face and keeping my arms crossed although his were around my waist.

"Hey," he said softly, grabbing my chin gently and making me look him in his eyes. "Just relax for today, sleep for awhile. You deserve it." He pressed a kiss on my forehead and I felt myself relax.

I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling into his chest. "What about you? You look exhausted too."

"I know, but I need to talk to Clarke about the grounders. I can't stop to rest until we figure something out, it's constantly on my mind," he ranted, squeezing me gently.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out," I said, quickly pecking him on the lips before he left.

"We will."

He pulled away from me, motioning to our cot a few feet away with a smirk. To make him happy, I went over and sat on it. He smiled at me and quickly put on his boots.

"Relax, I'll be back soon," he said, running over to me to kiss me on my head before leaving the tent.

I fell back on the cot and quickly closed my eyes.


It felt like it was only a few seconds before I was awake again, this time by a few people shouting.

Worried for Bellamy's safety and the rest of the camps, I quickly pulled on my boots and rushed out of the tent, squinting in the sun to hardly make out a few huddled people in front of me.

"See? She isn't even sick," someone shouted, sounding very angry. "She just gets a day off because she screws the boss!"

As my eyes adjusted to the sun, I found myself standing in front of my fellow delinquents. They all had mad looks on their faces wth their arms crossed, staring at me with stern faces.

I felt myself slowly start to shrink back.

"What makes you so special," some girl asked, mud caked on her hands.

I didn't have an answer.

This only seemed to make the crowd madder as they pushed forward, making me fall back until my back hit the fabric of my tent.


I recognized the voice immediately and was so glad to have Bellamy come as my Prince Charming.

He stepped right through the crowd, eyeing me to see if I was okay before turning to the crowd with a stern look. "What is going on here," he demanded, looking at each of the delinquents who weren't too mad now.

"We're rioting," a brave voice said from the back of the crowd. "Because you treat your girlfriend with more respect than you treat the rest of us!"

This earned her a chorus of 'yeah's' from the braver people in the crowd, the others remained silent and started at the ground.

"I didn't know I was dating all of you," he said, shutting everyone up. "In case you forgot who was in charge here, I'll remind you. I am, not any of you brave delinquents who are rioting for all the wrong reasons."

He took a step forward, making some people take a step back.

"My girlfriend has been working hard, so she deserves her time off. If I see any of you working hard, I'll make sure to give you time off. But this right here, this doesn't seem like working to me."

After his last line, everyone started to scurry off, running in different directions to return to their jobs.

Bellamy turned around to me quickly, holding me against his chest like he did this morning, except this time much tighter.

"Whatever they told you, don't listen," he mumbled, my face vibrating against his chest as he spoke. "They'll stupid, but I think they finally learned that."

"I love you Bell," I said, holding him tightly.

"I love you too y/n." 

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