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I turned my head towards the call of my name, dropping my make-shift tool I was using on the wall as I did so.

Murphy and a few of his buddies were standing there like the almighty gods they thought they were. Each one of them had a gun in their hands and a few other supplies fastened to them someway.

"We need you for our hunt," Murphy called out, not waiting for me to answer was he walked closer to the wall.

"Why? The big-bad John Murphy can't catch his own food," I whispered, knowing saying it out-loud would leave me stuck in camp for another eternity.

Murphy and I have always fought over everything that we could fight over. It's gotten so bad that a few nights ago, I socked him in the face when he decided to take my guard spot. Ever since then, he's done everything he can to ignore me.

I caught up to Murphy and his gang, but instead of being greeted, each one of them glared at me and then went back to what they were doing.

I grabbed a gun and a few other supplies I might need, strapping them to me before Murphy decides to leave.

"Lets go," I told them, walking through their little gang to the gate pulled open for us.

I could feel Murphy glaring at my back, but decided to ignore his persistent stare and walk further through the forest.

"Okay," Murphy said, breaking the silence that fell over the group. "Lets split up to cover more ground. You two go together and you two go together, I'll go with y/n."

I rolled my eyes, adjusting the strap on my shoulder.

The groups split up, me and Murphy continuing the way we were originally going.

"Why would you put us together," I asked him, showing my hostility towards him with a glare in his direction.

"Because we need to talk."

"About what? How you have to have me kill something to act like you can actually hunt?"

Murphy looked behind him, and I turned around too. The groups were far enough away to be out of ear-shot.

Suddenly a fist had connected with my face, sending me flying backwards and clutching to my nose that started to bleed. Immediately, I was filled with rage, and instead of asking why, I brought my fist back and connected it with his nose.

"The fuck Murphy," I shouted, causing birds to fly away from the trees.

He didn't have the same reaction to my punch as I did to his, but it still started to bleed.

"Lets talk y/n," he snarled, walking towards me with his hands curled at his side. "I'm tired of you acting like you're better than me."

I snorted.

"I'm tired of you stealing all of my places in the guard, but mostly, I'm just tired of you."

Another fist hit my face, sending me to the ground.

I scrambled up quickly, getting my gun ready to scare him away from whatever plan he was thinking of. But Murphy grabbed it out of my hands, making us play a serious game of tug-a-war.

I kicked him in the groin, making him release my gun. Hurriedly, I cocked it and pointed it at his face.

"Cut it out Murphy." I could taste the blood in my mouth now and could feel it running down me face.

Murphy didn't seem to care that I had my gun pointed at his face. He raised his head up, showing the little bit of blood under his nose from my punch. Our eyes locked, and in his deep voice he said, "Shoot me... I dare you."

I shook my head, my hair flying out of my loose ponytail. "I'm not going to shoot you."

Murphy smiled, by it wasn't a nice one, it was pure evil. The next moment, my legs were knocked out from underneath me and my butt was in the dirt. The gun was ripped from my hands and thrown to the side, leaving me with only my fists and a knife in my boot.

"That was a mistake, y/n," he snarled, standing over me.

It was then that my heart starting to race with the prospect that I might die today, by the hands of my own kind.

"Murphy, stop," I pleaded, holding my hands out as Murphy reached behind him and brought out a small hand-gun.

He looked down at me with such evil in his eyes, I knew that pleading with him wouldn't get me anything. So instead, I changed my tactic, making my eyes as cold as his were.

Using the same line as he did, I made my voice as menacing as he made is. "Shoot me... I dare you."

He chuckled, aiming the gun at my head.

There wasn't even a flash of emotion in his eyes.

He shot, and everything went black.


Sorry for making an evil Murphy, but the idea was too good to pass up. Plus Month doing this wouldn't make sense, if had to be the one and only John Murphy.

If you have an idea for an image, just comment somewhere for send me a pm and I'll make it for you!

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