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I feel like a candle sitting on a shelf. When you first walk in you don't notice the candle, it's not covering the room in a blanket that smells like flowers, so why would you?

The same person walks in the room, but still doesn't notice the candle. It's not big enough or helpful enough to notice. It's only job is to sit there until someone decides to light it.

So it sits on the shelf next to the other nick-nacks long forgotten, only there to make the place feel more homely.

Then suddenly the air starts to get stuffy and gross, and they turn to you.

The abandoned candle sitting on the shelf.

They get out their matches and light you up, and you love it. Now when people come in they notice you, they enjoy being around you.

You glow high and mighty above the others, bringing life to your ordinary shelf.

Then you burn out, and your back to the beginning.

That's how I feel when I'm not around my boyfriend, love of my life, best friend, and protector- Bellamy.

No one notices the girl fiddling with her fingers in the back of the room. Head down when being talked to because her shoes look very interesting now. Her, and the other people that can't lead their people or be really smart, are at the back of the crowd.

Then suddenly, all of that changes.

They ask me for my opinion. And not only that, but they actually do what I suggest. Everyone smiles at me when I walk by, pretending they know me when they really don't. They try to protect me, other then calling me 'another member of The 100'.

And that all started with a flame. A flame that reached all my wicks, letting my full potential be unleashed, and letting me bring life to a stale room.

And my match was Bellamy.

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