Bellamy- 6

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I laughed along with the delinquents, throwing my head back at the stupid joke they made about me falling earlier.

The whole 100, or at least the ones still alive today, are certain I escaped on the dropship but was never really in trouble. They blame it on my carefree attitude that never leaves, and my ability to make anything less serious.

"So, Y/n, when are you going to tell us how you got down here? I'm sure Bellamy is dying to know, so he can filed you under the insane category of girls he's hooked up with."

I rolled my eyes as the rest of the delinquents laughed. I faced the nameless boy and gave him my sweetest smile.

"You don't wanna know. It's so bad, it would put all of the crimes on the Ark to shame."

They laughed at me once more, and I took a giant drink of Monty's juice before sauntering over to Bellamy, who was currently on guard duty, but I've seen his eyes on me more than once.

"So what did you do?"

I looked up at the brown eyed boy as I cuddled into his chest some more. They always talk about how pretty the Earth is, but they never talk about the weather. It's always too cold or too hot, never the perfect temperature.

"Promise me you won't laugh."

He looked down at me with curious eyes, his freckles practically glowing under the lights we have placed around.

He nodded his head yes, letting me go so I could talk easier.

I bit my lip, worried.

You see if I tell him he won't think as highly as me. I know it sounds silly because we're all criminals, but they all did something that grants them a job down here.

Bellamy was a guard and has practice with guns and stuff, so it just makes sense he would be in command of weaponry.

Clarke is the doctor down here because she has training up there. Same with Raven.

Like it or not, the reason why we got sent down here is the reason that helps us survive down here too.

And I don't have a reason.

"Well, you see.... I-uh, well I ate a bite of my friend's food and the guard said I was stealing rations."

Bellamy started to laugh at me, his chest moving up and down as his usual serious face spread out.

And then I realized my job.

I was sent down here to bring light to every situation, to wipe the scowls off their faces and replace them with smiles.

And I plan on doing it until I die.


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Sadly I'm running out of ideas for images, so if you want a particular one, I recommend you to comment.

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