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Requested by: @FangirlOfAllFangirls

My footsteps echoed down the hallways as I walked to the one room I wouldn't mind burning from my memory.

Ontari's room.

The door opened upon my arrival and there in the middle of the room she claimed as hers, was the girl that held the title of my enemy.

Her face held a perfect smirk as she walked closer to my form, and I noticed she was wearing her fighting clothes. With a sharp yell, all the guards left the room, leaving only me and her.

"Do you know why I called you here, Charlotte," she said, walking away from me and back to the middle of the floor.

"So you can you can tell me how Ontari's going to win the title of Heda... again."

I heard her force out a chuckle. "I guess you can call it that."

She walked farther away from me while I waited patiently by the door. She was starting to make me mad with her endless walking and talking in riddles, but I know if you anger Ontari, you will wish you never spoke.

Finally she said, "I have to win. I hope you know that."

Before I could understand what she was meaning, a sword was flying at me from Ontari's hand.

Without thinking, I ducked and the small sword flew into the wall behind me.

"You tried to kill me," I said flabbergasted.

She didn't answer, but instead grabbed another weapon, this time a large sword. I ran to the wall where a spear was hanging and grabbed it off, holding it in front of me for defense as the sword came crashing down.

I held her attack off and she stumbled back dazed, before she had time to really react, I was attacking her.

My spear clanged against her sword and for minutes that felt like hours, we were attacking each other wth blunt force.

As quickly as it started though, it finished.

My spear impaled her stomach after one of her attacks that left her defenseless. She fell to the ground as the blood of the color of night came out of the wound on her chest, her face showed pure surprise.

I backed up, my eyes still locked with hers as the life slowly got sucked out of her. Then I ran from her room with her blood and mine on my body, past the guards, and to the one place no one would think to look- the training room.

The room was a safe place for me as I spent most of my childhood practicing with the same equipment that stood there today.

But today I needed much more than a safe place.

I paced back and forth, my mind racing as I thought about what I just did. I killed her, which means I will be Heda.

Hands on my shoulders made me jump in fright, then I kicked the person legs out from underneath them and got in my fighting stance.

"Calm down, its me," the voice said on the ground, sounding utterly defeated.

I looked down at Murphy's brown hair and brushed a strand of my blonde hair out of my face, feeling the night blood get in my hair.

"What happened to you," he asked, slowly sitting up from being knocked down.

"I killed her Murphy," I whispered. "I killed Ontari."

Murphy blinked a couple of times, eyes searching my face for the truth. Finally he smiled a little. "Good. Now you can be Heda."

I shook my head, feeling my hair being stuck to my face more than it already was.

This wasn't how it was supposed to happen.

"I'm just like her Murphy," I whispered, feeling the weight of my actions fall on my shoulders in heavy amounts.

"Personally, I think you're way better than her. You don't make people your personal slave," Murphy said sarcastically, walking forward a couple of steps to me.

I looked down at my clothes, not knowing which blood was mine or which was hers. It all formed into one giant, black stain.

"I'm not so sure anymore," I whispered once again.

Murphy heard it though, as he was only a step away from me now. "I'm sure."

He placed his hands on either side of my face and forced me to look into his eyes. They were dark with emotion, and even though I didn't know much about this man, I felt safe with his gaze on mine.

"Charlotte, you will be the best Commander this world has ever seen. Stop worrying and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have a big job to do."

I smiled weakly, knowing what he was saying was right. I needed to get myself together and play the role of Commander, it's what I've been training for my whole life and now it's finally come true.

"Okay, Murphy. You win this round," I joked.

He removed his hands from my face and immediately I missed the warmth. "I win every round, you just don't know it."

I giggled, forgetting about the act I just committed.

"Now let's get you cleaned up. So you can release me," Murphy said, throwing an arm around my sore shoulders.

"I thought personal slave looked good on you."

Murphy shot me a dead look as he continued to walk me into the place I can now call mine.


I'm really sorry, that probably sucked balls.

I didn't know how to end it at all so I just thought of this terrible ending line... but whatever.

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