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Requested by: @Aloisenpai

My boyfriend is trying to save the Ark and as selfish as it seems, I wish he wasn't.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, leaning back on my elbows. Sure it was nice to say he was saving our kind, but man does it suck. Ever since he was given this job, it's all he has ever done.

Every time I've escaped the hectic world to the comfort of my boyfriend and his lair, I would get the same excuse- "Babe, I love you, but I really need to work on this."

So, usually, I would do as I am doing now, watching his furrowed brows and wet lips slave over the bracelet with his black hair that has grown out framing his face on the floor of the dropship.

Or sometimes I would go downstairs and sit with Jasper, talking him through my boyfriend problems as he only gave me silence in return.

But today, I wanted Monty. Not for a second or a quick peck on the lips, I wanted to snuggle or make out. Anything other than this.

I sighed loudly, tucking my hair behind my ear. Out of the corner of my eye, I didn't even see him twitch, which made me frustrated so I sighed even louder.

After my third sigh, Monty finally turned around showing his tired eyes and messy hair. "What? I'm really close y/n."

I sighed again, looking at the ground. Truth be told, I didn't have a plan.

Every time he would say something like that I would get guilty that I even thought of killing the Ark like that. Like if he left for one second, the Ark would die. And cuddling gets beat by having the deaths of millions of people on my hands any day.

"Nothing," I quickly added right after my sigh. "Just go back to work." I put on a smile to try to act like everything was fine.

This time Monty sighed, dropping the piece in his hands and getting off his chair to lay next to me on the cold, metal floor.

He laid his head on the ground, arms to his sides, and immediately closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, obviously trying to get himself to relax.

"You're so stressed about this," I said, leaning on one elbow and facing him.

He opened his eyes, looking at the roof above us as he said, "That's because my family is up there, and I can't let them down. Having you here is great, but I would really like to see my mom and dad again."

I nodded my head in agreement, thinking of my dad that I left behind. "I understand, but if you work yourself so hard then you'll break."

He turned his head to look at me, so I took this time to mess with his unruly locks. My hand glided through the black hair, breaking free any knots that were tangled. He closed his eyes in bliss, breathing in deeply.

I did this for a full minute, reaching every part of his head with my right hand as he was put in a relaxing bliss. I would've continued if it meant that Monty was relaxed, but apparently he wanted to snuggle.   

His hands that were calloused from working so hard, reached around my sides, tugging me down on his stomach. My head went underneath his and he placed a kiss to the top of my forehead as my arms went around his sides also.

"You know, you worry too much," he finally said, breaking the comfortable silence around us.

"Only about the people I love."

That line earned me another kiss to the forehead.

The silence fell between us again, but it wasn't awkward at all. Each one of us were comforted by each other's embrace, so much I was almost asleep.

But it was like a switch was pulled in Monty's brain.

"I need to get back to work," he mumbled, untangling our limbs.

"No," I said firmly, holding on a little tighter to his slender body.

"Babe," he sighed, sitting up so I was now sitting up his lap. My hands grabbed onto each other around his back and I put my head on his shoulder, feeling him bury his nose in my hair for a second.

"You need a break."

"I had a break," was his response.

There was that guilty feeling again in the pit of my stomach and so I had to let him go.

I was now just sitting on his lap, my hands falling in my lap. I gave him a tight smile and scrambled off of him, as he only stared down at me with a sorrowful expression.

As I was back on my feet, Monty slowly got back to his. He gave me a real smile that showed his perfect teeth and sat back down in his chair.

"I guess I'll go talk to Harper then," I announced.

He turned back around, motioning me closer. I obliged, getting close enough to see the sun lines on his face.

He grabbed my soft hands in his rough ones and pulled me closer for a kiss. His lips were still damp from his constant licks of concentration, but the kiss made the butterflies in my stomach erupt.

As we pulled away, he sat his forehead on mine and mumbled, "I've always hated Harper."

I laughed, getting away from our position to head to the door. "You never like my friends."

"Eh," was his response.

As I climbed down the ladder, he said, "I love you, y/n."

"I love you too, Monty," I said, before the hatch closed him above me.


I hope this was enough fluff, and I'm sorry for it taking so long. I've literally been swamped.

But get this, I recently got Facebook and facebook messenger. It wasn't even a full day of me having it, that I was getting hit up on Facebook messenger from a nerdy kid that in his profile picture was holding up a huge game system and nerdy glasses.

Now Im not one to discriminate by looks as I'm ugly also, but he literally wouldn't stop trying to flirt with me. And every sarcastic thing I would send him, he wouldn't even get.

So if you guys know of any tips to help me shoot this guy down without having to break his fragile heart, that would be great!

Okay, rant over...

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