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Okay, holy cow... I'm can't stop giggling every time I look at this book. 100k... gee whiz, I can't even count to 100. So, in celebration, I wrote this imagine that is slightly sad, but I can't really help it, I'm in a mood. I'll do more thanking and freaking out at the end of the book, but, for an actual celebration, I will put a hot gif of Bellamy in this chapter. Why not, right!


Requested by: @ihaveseveralkids

My brain has a dull ache that just keeps throbbing against my temples. It's been there all day, and only now I notice how much it's taking out of me.

Everyone is celebrating because Mt. Weather is no more. There isn't a single person in Arkadia that doesn't have a huge smile on their face... well, except for me, but I don't count. I'm outside the walls, my back against the steel walls blocking Arkadia in and everything else.

I'm not sure why I feel this way. Nothing is particullary wrong with me. I feel fine, except for my head, but I can't stop the first tear that strolls down my cheek.

The first one is joined by a second, and then a third, until soon, I can't help but lose myself in my tears. My head throbs more by the second, my tears not helping it any. I lean my head against the cool metal of the wall and look up into the sky. The stars are all out and glistening, a gentle breeze blows past, and then I hear footsteps.

"Dezi," a timid voice asks, like they don't know if it's really me hunkered against the wall. The footsteps grow closer, but I don't want to move. I don't feel like explaining why I'm feeling this way, mostly because I don't know the reason why. "Deziree," the voice calls again, this time much closer and more confident.

I tilt my head to the angle the voice is coming from and see Bellamy. He's walking with a hunch in his shoulders, probably scared something is out here with me. My suspicions were confirmed when the moonlight glinted off the sharp knife in his hands.

"Are you hurt," he said, lowly.

I could've laughed. Am I? I sincerely think I wouldn't even know.

Still, I shake my head no. "I'm fine," I croak out. I wipe the remaining tears from my face as Bellamy nears closer.

"Are you crying," he asks softly. He reaches me in big strides and looks down at me like he doesn't know what to do next. His curls frame his face and his face is void of any tension, making all of his attractive features look soft and rounded.

I'm not sure what me and Bellamy are. We're in that stage where we both like each other, but neither of us have the nerve to make the first move other than flirting harmlessly. I don't want to lie to him or tell him something that isn't completely right, so I say, "Yeah," like it's the most common thing in the world.

He crouches next to me, studying my face. I see he put the knife away and now he doesn't know what to do with his large hands. His brown eyes search mine for something I don't know the answer to, then he looks at the red streaks from my tears runnning down my face.

"How did you know I was here," I ask, twirling my fingers together.

He sighs, sitting down beside me. Our shoulders and knees brush together, and he doesn't move his away. I can hear everyone laughing and celebrating inside the walls, but outside, it's like a whole new world; one only Bellamy and I know about. "Someone on guard said they saw you crying. I told them I wanted to check it out before they caused a panic for everyone inside.... you don't know how much you scared me, Dezi."

"Awww... Bell." I nudge his shoulder and he chuckles, nudging me back.

For a moment, we're both quiet. I can hear birds in the trees a few feet away, and I can smell the grass and flowers. I lean my head back against the walls and take a deep breath, wishing I could stay in this moment forever. Bellamy and I, and the whole world in front of us, waiting to be explored.

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