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REQUESTED BY: @SlaveForGoogle

"I don't know why you're helping me... I'm a l-lost cause."

I swallowed roughly, my throat suddenly dry.

The man in front of me was beaten and broken, torn-up and stained red, banished and not yet forgiven, but yet my heart broke when he started to talk.

I brushed off his question, scared to let my emotions show just yet, and instead reached for the water that sat next to me and my supplies. Ignoring my own dry throat, I lifted the bottle to his lips, letting him drink.

Instead of drinking though, he turned his head. Through his swollen eyes, he looked straight at me.

"Why are you helping me?"

The answer Clarke gave him was that he had info we needed, we couldn't kill him until we figure out where he's been. I was so tempted to say this as well and bring the water back to his lips, but I knew it was more than that and looking at this boy who was on the verge of death, I knew he needed to hear it.

"As much as I hate to say it." I tucked some of my fallen blonde hair from my very loose ponytail behind my ear, looking away from him. "You're one of us, no matter what you did."

He went stone quiet, and I brought the water to his lips again. This time he drank.

It only took a day later for me to not feel good at all. I was leant against the drop-ship wall, my head spinning as Murphy was outside getting some fresh air. I didn't even know my ears were bleeding until Murphy came back inside and dropped the water bottle he was holding.

Two boys had already died, three more were sick, but I didn't think I could ever get it.

Seeing Murphy's expression, how he reacted, and the sticky, red liquid on the rag he pressed to my ears, making the whole world become foggy, I knew something was seriously wrong.

Through the haze around me, I could dimly hear someone saying, "Stay with Alyssa, stay awake. Listen to my voice, listen-"

But it wasn't enough.


When I awoke, my head had it's own heartbeat, but I was alive. My head was leant against someone's jacket, my blonde hair stuck to my sweaty neck. My throat was really dry to a point where it almost hurt to breath.

My brown eyes felt heavy, but I still looked around the bottom-floor of the dropship where I was laying at.

Red pools of blood lay random around the floor, some really large, some really small. I recognized Bellamy laying on a cot, his body limp like he was asleep.

Something moving caught my eye, and then Murphy's hair was in my line of vision. I noticed his jacket was missing, showing his bare t-shirt, and in his still torn hands was a bottle of water like the one I let him drink from earlier; which felt like years ago.

He leaned down to some pale kid leaning against the wall like me. The kid took one glance at Murphy and the bottle coming towards his lips and reacted. His hand shot out and knocked the bottle out of Murphy's hand, it crashing to the ground and spilled it's contents into a small puddle.

He said something to Murphy that I couldn't hear before leaning against the wall again, closing his eyes like he was at peace.

Murphy numbly picked up the bottle, retreating to the bucket we were using that held our clean water, his lips tight and holding back harsh words Im sure.

I watched him the whole time, my throat too rough to speak. I guess he felt my eyes on him because he glanced in my direction, his mouth opened in shock when he saw me staring back at him.

Thinking smartly, he filled up the bottle in his hands again and hurried over to me, his brown eyes wide.

"I'm so glad you're awake," he spoke, his whole body seeming more relived than it did before.

His hand on my arm felt like ice, and I didn't know if it was because I was cold or if he was.

Murphy brought the bottle to my lips and I took a sip, then another and another, the feeling wonderful and addicting. Once my throat felt better, I leaned against his jacket again.

"You are one of us Murphy." My voice still sounded a little weird, but he heard the message clearly.

His eyes glanced down at his torn hands, his hand still on mine moving off of it when he did so. "You're the only person who thinks that, Alyssa.

He let out a sigh, moving to sit next to me on the wall.

For awhile we sat in total silence, the rest of the people in the room sleeping or ignoring our presence. Occasionally, Murphy's hands that he had rested on his knees that he brought up towards his stomach moved, or he sighed.

Then the same kid that refused his water started to cough, then he started to cough up blood. More and more of it started to come out, and Murphy jolted upright.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the kids side. I watched as Murphy told the kid how he would be alright and started to wash his face off as he threw up more and more blood, knowing the only way through it is for the kid to throw it all up.

Then it hit me like a million sharp rocks at once, all hitting me straight in the heart.

I was wrong, Bellamy was wrong, Clarke was wrong; we all were wrong.

We thought Murphy was a monster for trying to kill a little girl, when in reality he was protecting us. Charlotte wasn't mentally stable, she killed Wells and blamed it on him, and we all believed her.

But Murphy is the kindest man I have ever got the pleasure of meeting, and it's awful what we did to him; what I did to him.

Without even knowing it, I started to cry.

When Murphy came back over to me, the kid stable again, he took one look at me and rushed over, his eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Murphy," I stuttered out.

I could literally see his entire face fall. He slowly grabbed my hand, sitting beside me again, and said nothing else.


I'm sorry this isn't really a whole 'enemies with benefit' thing, but they do kinda help each other out.

I recently started to watch The 100 again, this time from season one and onwards, and I have a ton of ideas now so expected a butt-load of imagines to come through.


It looks so awesome and since I'm a Marvel nerd I'm literally so excited.

Plus Chris Evans with a beard... HOT.

Bucky Barnes doing anything... HOT.

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