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Requested by: @BeautifulMax2001

Part 2 to Bellamy-20

I feel naked, which is very ironic because I practically am. The only things that are keeping me from being truly free to the world are my bra and underwear.

I'm tempted to sit down on the cot and cover up, so I don't feel so exposed to the world, but I don't move. I want this to be a special surprise, and I know Bellamy will be pretty excited to see me standing in our tent in only the bare minimum, but the minutes are ticking by.

Ever since I confornted him about the nightmare I had involving him and Clarke, we've been practically glued to the hip. His leaders duty's have been called into action, though, and he's been working with Clarke more to solve these issues the camp has been having. He's never stayed out this late, though, and I'm starting to get a feeling that somethings wrong.

I grabbed the nearest clothes- a baggy pair of shorts and one of Bellamy's large t-shirts- and threw them on, making sure I grabbed my glasses before I left the tent.

The camp was practically asleep when I left. The only the people on guard were awake, everything else was dark. I headed in the way of the drop-ship, knowing they were in there.

As I neared it, I could hear low murmurs. I couldn't figure out what they were saying, but I could tell it was Bellamy and Clarke. I stepped into the drop-ship, opening my mouth to alert them of my prescence and ask if everything was okay, when Clarke pressed her rosy lips onto Bellamy's.

I watched him for a reaction, to tell her off and say that he has me waiting for him in our tent, but he never did.

Instead, he wrapped his arms around her waist and dragged her closer to him, groaning into the kiss.

I could feel tears spring up in the corners of my eyes as my fear came to life right before my eyes. I turned, exiting the drop-ship without a word, and ran back to our tent.

Everywhere I looked, I saw Bellamy. His clothes, his weapons, his cot, his tent. I grabbed a bag and started to load everything I owned in it, taking off Bellamy's shirt and throwing it on the floor to put on one of mine.

Of course, Bellamy chose this moment to walk into the tent. He noticed my shirtless body and whistled. "If I knew I had this waiting for me, I would've came home earlier." He smirked, acting like he hadn't been sucking Clarke's face off only moments before.

I threw one of my own shirts on, finishing up packing. When I finished, I threw the bag over my shoulder, keeping my head down so he couldn't see my tears; I didn't want him to see the effect he had on me.

The plan went to poo as he grabbed my chin and raised it so I was looking into his eyes. "Max," he said softly, almost in a whisper. "What's wrong? Where are you going?"

I managed to laugh. I probably looked like a manaic as I dragged my chin out of his grip. "You know what's wrong. You did it."

I made a move for the tent flap and he grabs my arm, pulling me back into his tent. I don't waste anytime in slapping him across his freckled face. I hate the feeling of his fingers on my arm when they were just around her waist.

"What is wrong with you, Max," Bellamy growls, his right cheek imprinted with a red hand-mark.

"What don't you ask Clarke," I hiss, ripping my arm out of his grip. He still has the nerve to look confused, and I have a strong feeling of slapping him again, but he would probably catch my arm, being able to see it coming, and I wasn't about to let him touch me again. "You two seemed awfully close when I walked into the drop-ship to find her sucking your face off."

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