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I stormed out of the tent me and my boyfriend, Finn, were sharing.

Finn recently got the idea to play hero and now, instead of being the one person that does nothing around camp, he wants to be the one to go out and hunt and kill grounders.

I told him I didn't want him to, like any other girlfriend would. I didn't want to play the part of worried housewife, waiting for her love to come back home, if he ever does.

We got into a heated argument about it and now I'm stomping over to the drop ship to find anyone to vent to.

I had just stuck my head inside the drop ship when I suddenly got pulled back. Before I could react, I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder.

"If you're only doing this because I'm small, you picked the wrong day to try it," I said, squirming under the persons firm grip.

"Y/n, I just want to talk."

I stopped moving when I heard whose voice it was and whose particular shoulder I was thrown over. "Finn, I don't want to talk."

He pulled back the flap of our tent and hauled me inside. He sat me down on the cot we shared and moved so he was blocking the exit.

"Y/n please, I can't go out there knowing you're mad at me."

I scoffed. "Good, don't go out at all."

"Why aren't you supportive of me? I want to help Bellamy and the other hunters to find food. I'm a really good tracker, the best down here. How am I supposed to provide for you? I can't let you starve down here!" 

"Finn... I don't want you to get hurt. I would rather starve with you here then be full with you dead or hurt."

His face softened and he pulled me into his chest. "I won't get hurt. I promise."

"Finn, come on we're leaving," Bellamy called from outside the tent.

Finn pulled back and gave me a kiss. His lips were soft despite the cool weather and he placed them on mine with such care, but at the same time it was a passionate kiss full of unspoken words and a deep understanding.

"I promise," he whispered, before turning and leaving me alone in the tent.

I hurried out so I could watch him leave. Once again, my boyfriend used my attraction to him against me to get what he wanted.
I watched as he slowly appeared out of sight before I went to help Clarke with the wounded.

It felt like years before the gates finally opened again. I was giving water to a person with a cough when I heard my name being called. Frantic, I ran towards the sound. My mind thinking of every possible thing that could of gone wrong, starting with Finn dying.

I turned a corner and smashed into Finn. He pulled me up from the ground and gave me a hug, his arms holding me tight to him.

"I told you I would be fine."

"Good, I dont think-"

"I love you," he said, cutting me off. I was stunned and, at the same time, ecstatic. My boyfriend finally told me the thing every girl wants to hear.

"I love you too."

He didn't waste any time before he smashed his lips on mine. I moaned from the passion behind it as I felt my legs go weak. Before I fell to the ground in a puddle of Finn obsession, I was caught.

Finn had his hands cupping my butt, the only thing keeping me standing in our heated makeout session.

He hoisted me up so he was carrying me and started walking in the direction of our tent, without breaking the kiss. He only broke it when he laid me on the bed, and it was only to place kisses down my neck, making me moan from pleasure.

His hand traveled down my stomach and he slipped it under my shirt, gasping my hip. My hands found themselves in his long hair.

It was only then, and at the best part too, that Clarke came in. "Y/n, I really need you to- ah."

Finn broke away to look up at the blushing blonde. He quickly climbed off of me, but gave me a smirk as I tried to make myself look more presentable.

"Sorry Clarke, I will be right there."

She left, laughing under her breath. I turned back to my boyfriend, now with tangled hair and rosy cheeks. He placed his thumb on my swollen bottom lip, massaging it.

"You better get to work, doc," he whispered in my ear.

That really didn't make me want to work, and I think he knew that from the huge smirk on his face as he left the tent.

"We'll continue this later," I yelled out.
I could hear Finn laughing from outside the tent.

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