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"What is that," I shouted, pointing to a small bug crawling through my tent.

It's tiny legs carried his fat body and the way it moved made a shiver go down my back, I immediately called for Monty.

He stuck his head through my tent flap, eyeing me up for any sign of danger.

All he found was me pointing to that small bug as I stood on my cot, as far away from the little creature as I could go.

"What," Monty asked, entering my tent all the way. "What's the matter?"

"That... I don't know... bug, is crawling across my floor! Careful, Monty! You almost stepped on it," I said, pointing at the moving object as it  ran across the floor dangerously close to Monty's foot.

"What," he asked again, this time following my finger to small black insect.

He crouched to the floor, watching the bug continue its work. "Y/n, this is a spider, it won't hurt you," he said, motioning me off the cot.

"He sure looks like it will," I told him, not moving from my spot but placing my hand down.

"Have you never heard of a spider before?"

"Monty, in case you've forgotten, I've been in prison for most of my life. I never got the stellar education you and your friends got," I said, crossing my arms.

A look of guilt flashed through his eyes, but he motioned for me to come off the cot again, this time I obliged.

"Look at it," he said, pointing it out once I was down on the ground, crouching beside him. "He won't hurt you, he just wants to do his job."

I eyed the thing wearily, shuffling a little bit closer to Monty. "What did you call it again?"

"A spider."

"A spider? Well... I still think it's scary."

Month chuckled, watching the spider disappear under the flap of my tent as quickly as it came. Just as I was about to stand up, I felt something against my foot, looking down I found a slightly larger version of the spider that just left on the side of my foot.

"Monty," I shouted, swinging my arms around as I struggled to get the tied boot off my foot as as fast as I could.

"Just stay still," Monty said while laughing, holding onto his stomach.

"Stay still! Are you crazy," I yelled back, yanking my shoe off and throwing it harshly on the ground. I didn't waste anytime before I bolted out of my tent, running for the drop shop with only one shoe on.

Monty followed me, grabbing my shoe that was now spider-less, still laughing about my first encounter with the eight-legged species.

And that's how I moved into Monty's tent. 

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