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"Now put that string under the other one, and pull," I said, demonstrating on my pieces of string the knot we just finished.

The delinquent did as I showed him, slower than I, but still efficient. His face lit up when the knot was completed and he turned to me with a big smile.

"I told you, you could do it," I said, giving the blonde boy a smile in return.

The grass being crunched by boots made us look up, to see a mad Murphy staring down at us with his eyes full of rage.

"Making knots instead of working? With Charlie I could see, but you Y/N... I'm disappointed." Even his voice was low with anger.

"Chill Murphy, I was just teaching him how to tie a knot. A pretty good skill if you ask me."

Murphy glanced down at the knot in Charlie's hands before sending me a bored glare. "A knot? What's so special about a knot?"

"No one can untie it," Charlie answered.

Murphy wasn't happy of Charlie's sincere answer and grabbed the knot out of his hands. He gave it a couple of tugs, but nothing happened.

"I knew I had good teacher," Charlie said, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. I looked at my dirty boots to avoid any feelings, but I could see the glint of Murphy's knife in the sunlight.

"Apparently not good enough." Murphy cut the knot in two using his knife and let the pieces fall to the ground, before stomping on them with a big boot.

"Dude!" Charlie stood up to his full height that was taller than Murphy, but Murphy didn't back down.

"Gonna stand up for your knot, now? Because it was made by her? You have a crush on her, don't you," Murphy challenged, getting into Charlie's face with venom.

Ever since we hooked up one night when everyone thought we had no hope, Murphy won't let any other guy near me.

Sometimes it's hot, and sometimes it's annoying.

"So what if I do, you're not her boyfriend," Charlie egged him on, getting into Murphy's face.

I got up and stood before both boys that were glaring at each other with such intensity, but I knew who was going to throw the first punch, and the crowd gathering around probably did too.

Murphy picked up his fist and it was inches away from hitting Charlie's cheek, when it stopped suddenly.

Both boys turned their heads to look at me, as my hand was still holding back Murphy's fist.

Still holding onto him, I dragged him away from Charlie and the crowd who was displeased by my actions, to my tent.

As I heard the flap close to trap us in I whirled around and slapped him across the cheek, the only thing I could see was red and Murphy was in the crossfire.

"What was that for?"

"For being a jealous douche. We slept together once Murphy, it's not like we dated for a year!"
I paced back-in-forth in the tent while Murphy sat on my cot, still holding his red cheek.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm sorry."

I still paced, trying to blow off steam. I felt a hand on my elbow and then I was twirled into a hard chest. My heart rate picked up as I looked into Murphy's smirking face, he obviously knew what I felt.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I just can't handle it when they flirt with you like that. I don't know why, it just makes me so mad."

It all clicked in my head and a sly smile appeared on my face, one that didn't go unnoticed as Murphy gave me a scared glance.

"You like me!" I hit him playfully on the chest and sent him a smile to show him I was joking around.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess."

Not the answer I was expecting, but the answer I received.

We were still close and I could feel his breath on my lips, causing me to stutter as I said, "You really like me?"

Instead of answering, he crashed his lips on mine, sending unfamiliar electricity through my veins. We moved our lips in sync, the taste of berries playing around in his mouth suddenly jumped to mine as he stuck his tongue in my mouth. Then he pulled away, making me sigh with annoyance.

He placed his forehead on mine and spoke in a husky voice, "Yeah, I like you."

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