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Requested by: @Kaywolf626

I stepped over a tree branch, my brown hair falling in front of my face, but I didn't dare to push it back. This hunting trip meant more than just food, it meant that I could prove myself worthy of holding the gun in my hands permanently.

To be honest, it was even more than that.

Ever since Jasper came back from almost dying, he has made sure I never receive the same fate. Which means I was kept inside the camp at all times.

Being in the same place for as long as I was, you start to get a little angsty. This led to me becoming enemies with an attractive guy named Murphy.

Who I had the pleasure of hunting with.

His loud footsteps stomped on the dirt like he didn't want us to see any animals at all. I stopped myself from yelling at him, I knew it would only make things worse.

My eyes continually darted back-and-forth for any animals or grounders, and my gun was ready to fire if anything did show.

So imagine my surprise when Murphy suddenly starts to yell and runs right past me, telling me to follow him.

Knowing Murphy had a good reason, I didn't look back, I just ran.

We ran for minutes at a fast sprint, Murphy always ahead of me. Then suddenly he skidded to a stop and pulled open a door that I didn't know existed, and motioned for me to get inside.

I did as I was told, my boots hitting the metal surface of the old vehicle I think I heard Finn talking about. Seconds later, Murphy joined me down in the small space, closing us in and sighing from relief.

"What's going on," I practically screamed at him, my adrenaline higher than my need to rest after my sprint.

"Calm down princess, it's the fog. We're gonna be down here awhile." He sat down at one end of the cab, fiddling with his gun while he caught his breath.

"Fog," I whispered. I looked up at the door we came out of to see an orange fog covering us and smothering everything in its path.

I immediately started to feel claustrophobic.

I feel to the ground with my back against the metal of the car and started to breathe heavier than I did when I was running. My gun dropped to the ground as I brought my hands up to cover my eyes, hoping to think back to the darkness of my room, not the place I was now.

Murphy obviously noticed my distress because I heard his gun hit the floor too, and then felt his warm hand on my shoulder, gently squeezing it. "What's wrong," he said softly.

I couldn't take my hands off my eyes, but I managed to say, "We're stuck in here."

I felt Murphy take in a sharp breath and was ready to hit him if he started to make fun of me. But to my surprise he actually didn't.

"Kayla, the fog will past." He took his hand off my shoulder and I huffed.

"You're really good at helping people," I said sarcastically, pressing my lips into a firm line.

"That has always been my speciality."

"You're full of it Murphy," I whispered, only loud enough for him to hear it clearly.

I heard him lightly chuckle and I hesitantly removed my hands from my eyes to look at him.

He had his head leaned against the metal of the car with his eyes closed. His brown hair was sweatily stuck to his forehead, but still managed to look good somehow.

I guess he felt me staring at him because he opened his brown eyes that I hated, but have come to love.

He didn't say anything, and neither did I.

The room was full of tension, just waiting for someone to make a move as we stared into each other's eyes.

Then finally after moments of staring, he leaned closer hesitantly and, after I didn't pull back, he placed his rosy lips on mine.

They moved together slowly, his lips pressing against mine as much as mine was to his. The speed of the kiss was much slower than the speed of my heartbeat, which was beating ten time faster than normal.

Finally he removed his lips from mine, and whispered, "I guess you didn't hate me after all."



I turned from Murphy to find myself held tightly to my brothers chest. His arms squeezed me until I thought I might pop, and I hit him on the shoulder to tell him to stop.

"I'm sorry, I just.... I thought of the worst when the fog came through," he said, looking down at me like he really thought he was going to lose me.

"Jasper, I was alright. I had Murphy." I spared a glance at the brunette who was talking with Bellamy about something. He noticed I was staring and caught my eyes for a second before I looked back at Jasper.

His eyebrows were furrowed and his gaze was stern as he saw the interaction we just had.

"Kayla, please tell me you didn't make love with Murphy."

"What? No!" I hit my brother on his chest, but smiled at the idea. "We just kissed, that's all."

"Kayla, if he hurts you-"

"You'll beat him until he's black and blue. I get it Jasper, but I really don't think he's going to hurt me."

Jasper nodded his head, the worry lines gone from his face. "Fine. You can date Murphy," he said dryly.

I squealed in delight and ran from Jasper to Murphy's arms, which held me tight against his body.

"He said yes!"

Murphy pulled me away from his chest to place a kiss to my forehead. "Of course he did, it's me."

"You're full of it Murphy."

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