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Requested by: @Beverly667

If I close my eyes, it's almost like she's here. She would be talking my ear off and I would pretend I hate it, but secretly I'm smiling as she rants. As the day comes to a close, we would eat our rations together, talking about whatever happened to come up that day.

But when I open my eyes, the room is empty. My ears are ringing from the dead silence in the room. I don't have anyone to talk to, let alone eat with.

I roll on my side and face the rest of the small room I'm in.

When the Ark fell, I thought that maybe we would be back together again. My mom and I were an inseparable team; we did almost everything together. But when I got framed for a crime I didn't commit and sent down to Earth, apparently my mom died of a fever.

Nobody will tell me much, not even Abby who told me she was there for her death. All they will tell me is that she died a painless death and she was happy when they told her I was alive.

I close my eyes again, not wanting to stare into an empty room anymore.

It's late and I should be asleep, but my mind won't stop thinking about her. About our shared black hair and green eyes, about how she would laugh at any of my jokes, how she would always tell me everything was going to be okay.

I finally had enough. I stood up from my bed and walked to the door of my tiny room on the fallen Ark. My hand rested on the doorknob while I debated about whether I should go or not.

My mom was the only family I had. My dad was more of a 'get-pregnant-and-run' kinda guy, and with the kid capacity limit the Ark had, I was the only child.

With her gone, I can feel a piece of my heart gone. There's no way I will be able to stay in this room, so with that in mind, I open the door and walk into the hallways.

They're completely abandoned, and my footsteps echo through the halls. I keep walking forward, going through the maze of hallways until I reach a particular room.

Hesitantly, I raise my fist and knock on the door. On the other side of the door I can hear footsteps and the sound of someone grumbling words I can't make out, and then the door opens.

Standing in the doorway is Bellamy Blake. His black curls are tousled, showing I woke him from his sleep. His eyes are heavy, but when they glance at me, they perk up.

"Max," he says, his voice deep and husky.

His eyebrows are furrowed at me as I take a step forward and place my hands on his chest. Before I can pull myself away, I set my lips on his.

For a moment, he does nothing. Then his hands curl around my waist and he kisses me back.

I push him forward and he stumbles back before he gets what I'm trying to tell him. He closes the door behind us as I move to sit on the bed, waiting for him.


The next morning, my mind still won't shut off. Now it's telling me all sorts of things about how my mom would hate me for this.

I sit on the edge of Bellamy's bed, his only thin sheet wrapped around my naked body. My black hair is a mess and I've lost my clothes on Bellamy's floor.

The offer to sleep with Bellamy has been there since we first landed on Earth, except I never took him up on his offer. I didn't think I ever would, but here I am, sitting in his sheet.

I look over my shoulder and I'm shocked to see he's already awake, watching me.

He lets out a light laugh at my expression, but he sobers up quickly and sits up, his naked body on display in front of me.

For a moment, he says nothing. He just stares at me like he's never seen me before, and then he looks down at the floor. "Max, why did you come here?"

I shake my head, mentally pleading with him to not go there.

He looks over at me and tucks a strand of my bed-head behind my ear. "Max," he whispers huskily. "You can tell me."

I feel myself leaning into his touch as he gently drags his thumb down my cheek. It's right there that I decide I'll tell him.

"My mom... I-I didn't get to say goodbye." Tears slowly roll down my cheeks and I avoid his gaze, looking down at my lap. "She died and I didn't get to tell her goodbye."

Bellamy lets me lightly cry for a few seconds, before he tilts my head back up. He catches all of my tears with his thumbs on my cheeks, and brushes some of my hair away. "You can still talk to her, you know. But she knows you love her, that part is clear."

I sniff and wipe my eyes.

He drops his hands from my face, and when I'm done wiping my eyes I lean into his side. He puts his hands around me and I lay my head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent.

"Thank you, Bellamy," I whisper.

"Anytime, Max."

As I lay there, my head on Bellamy's shoulder, I realize this is what I needed, and I look at Bellamy in a different way.

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