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"I thought you said you knew how to get us back," I complained as I followed the dorky boy who trudged ahead confidently.

This part of the woods was confusing to me, but I trusted Jasper because he's been out more than me. Even if one of those times he got shot in the chest.

"Trust me y/n, I know exactly where we're going."

I sighed, but continued to follow him as his my only way home.

As the sky got darker, I got scared we were never going to make it home. So I hurried up beside Jasper and took his hand in mine, mostly because I wasn't going to die out here without showing my crush I liked him, at least a little bit.

That's right, instead of falling for one of the guys that hunted and acted all bad, I fell for the guy that made me laugh when I was sick.

He squeezed my hand to show me we stopped and I gazed up at the tall boy that, despite the situation, had a grin on his good-looking face.

"What, why are we stopping? You're lost, aren't you! We're going to die out here, or even worse, have to live off fruits and berries and mysterious plants."

"Y/n, we already are living off mysterious fruits and plants."

I smiled and a little bit of my uneasiness went away with the boys playful attitude.

"Then why are we stopping?"

"Because I wanted to see your reaction. Plus my feet are tired. You think you could give me a piggyback ride?"

"No, you're too big. Your squash me," I said sarcastically.

He gasped. "Are you calling me fat?"

"That's exactly what am saying. You need to lay off the fruits and mysterious plants."

We burst into laughter, but it was cut short when a twig snapped behind us. I saw Jasper tense up, obviously having flashbacks from the time he was shot. I laid a hand on his arm and pointed ahead, thinking we could just leave.

Slowly, we walked ahead, careful on any twigs and leaves. The dark shadow was still behind us and it was getting closer, I panicked and pulled Jasper into a run.

But he stopped, and dragged me behind a nearby tree. My back was resting against the bark as Jasper covered me.

His face was so close to mine it hurt, I wanted to stroke his soft skin as my lips attached to his, but we were in the face of danger, not a romance scene.

"Jasper, he'll see you," I whispered, causing Jasper to look down at me.

"It will be fine, y/n."

The twigs broke closer and closer to us, that I was starting to wonder if this guy was really fat. That's the only reason that he would break so many twigs.

Then a twig broke right beside me and I tensed up as Jasper placed his hands around me. I burrowed my head in his chest, his smell going to be the last thing I remember as this grounder kills us off.

Until loud laughter arose, Monty's head poked out and in his hands was a small twig, creating the sounds I was terrified of.

"Monty," me and Jasper both yelled, causing the boy to laugh some more.

Even though Jasper was mad at his friend, his arms never left my body, until Monty told us the direction of home. In the other direction.

"You guys were going in circles," Monty said.

I scoffed and looked up at Jasper who was bright red despite the darking sky. "Oops," he said.

I hit his stomach, causing him to make a oomf sound. "You planned to get us lost didn't you," I told the tall boy.

"Kinda, it was kinda cute as you freaked out we were going to die."

I heard Monty sigh beside me as it was my turn to flush red. The gates of our house arose in the distance, causing me to sigh from relief.

"I hope we can get lost again," Jasper told me as we entered the gates.

"I guess. Next time, just tell we aren't really lost and I'll enjoy it a lot more."

"Great, it's a date."

He walked off and once more, I turned a deep berry red from my crush.

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