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It was the second week of being down on Earth. We had developed a sort of routine of chores to keep the grounders away from us and to keep us healthy and not hungry.

Lately, it seemed like a fight for power between Bellamy and Clarke, but at the same time Murphy was fighting Bellamy over who was second in command.

It seemed like every thing Murphy said, Bellamy would say to do the opposite, which angered Murphy.

I would know, he would complain a lot.

Every night when we were both tired and ready for bed, I would lay there and listen to my boyfriend complain about Bellamy. It wasn't all bad, I got to lay in his arms and occasionally murmur as to say, "Im listening, please keep going." And he would, he would tell me everything about his day until I fell asleep.

One evening as we all sat around the fire tired from yet another day of the same routine, Bellamy approached me with a smirk on his freckled face.

I haven't said a word to the man other than an occasional nod of the head. He knows me as Murphy's girl and I know him as the guy that keeps my boyfriend yapping.

As he approached me and made a point of talking to me by grabbing my hand and asking to speak with me, I got nervous. I thought something happened to Murphy as he was taking me close to the wall.

"Bellamy? What is it, is Murphy okay?"

"He's fine." He looked up at the wall. I could make out a silhouette of a figure up there, but before I could react, I felt lips on mine.

Sure, the thing was a good kisser, but it wasn't my boyfriends lips. I pushed the thing away to see Bellamy. "Bellamy why," I demanded.

"I need to make Murphy feel bad for taking my watch spot. Nothing personal."

As he said that the silhouette jumped down from the wall, showing a seething Murphy. To be honest, it was kinda hot as he demanded Bellamy to tell him why he did that, and when he was punching him in the face.

But I had to stop it, I couldn't risk Clarke coming out and yelling at the both of them.

"Murphy stop," I pulled his arm back and he let go of the bleeding Bellamy who didn't even try to fight.

"So now you sticking up for him. Go Doctor up your boyfriend, y/n," he mocked.

I stood there in shock as Murphy marched away to our tent. I couldn't help myself, I cried. It wasn't like the tears were uncontrollable, but it was the first time since we came down that my eyes lost water.

Bellamy jumped to his feet, "Don't cry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Yeah well it did. I wish you both would just stop with this petty fight. It's getting out of control."

"I know and I sorry, I will." He placed a hand on my shoulder as a comforting gesture, but Murphys threat rang in my ears. Go Doctor up your boyfriend.

My fist connected with a face as Bellamy backed up, stunned by my actions. I was pretty stunned too, I just hit the leader of camp.

"I hate you Bellamy. Don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't even look at me. You can't use me to get to my boyfriend, it's not right. And now that you did, my relationship is on the rocks."

"I said I was sorry," he stated, rubbing his jaw where I socked him.

"Fuck you," I spat, turning on my heel to walk to my tent.

I reached up to pull back the cover when I noticed my knuckles all bloody from hitting Bellamy. I couldn't help it, I guess I've been spending too much time with Murphy.

Speaking of Murphy, he was pacing in our tent, hands over his head as he mumbled to himself.

"Murphy? Murphy? JOHN!"

He stopped and looked at me. "I'm sorry. He didn't leave me any time to react. One second we were talking and the next his lips were on mine. I only came over there because I thought something was wrong with you."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of snapped at you like that," he mumbled bringing a smile to my lips.

I turned to leave when Murphy called out," Where are you going?"

"To Doctor up my boyfriend."
I got a bowl of water and a cloth and went back into my tent where Murphy was laying on the bed.

"Sit up," I demanded. He did as was told and I took his bleeding hands in mine, dabbing away the blood.

"I'm really sorry y/n."

I giggled, "Murphy, you already told me that."
He looked down at my right hand and the blood laying on my knuckles.

"Did you hit him?"

"Kinda? It was more of an accident than anything, I really couldn't help it."

He smirked and grabbed the towel from me as we switched spots. Me on the cot and him on the ground, dabbing at my hand without taking his eyes off of mine. When he was done he sat the bowl away and pushed me back on the bed.

"Y/n, I really love you."

A smile graced my face as I returned the words. It wasn't the first time he said it, but every time made my heart leap.

He leaned over me and connected his lips with mine. He might not of been such a good kisser as Bellamy, but his lips brought me comfort instead of the uncomfortable lips that were Bellamy's.

He always brought me comfort.

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