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Requested by: @xo-jaehee

Ever since Bellamy defeated Mt. Weather he gained immediate popularity with everyone. And for good reason, because he did put his life on the line for everyone.

Everyone including the sleazy girls who somehow have still managed to survive down here; probably by sleeping with everyone to get what they want.

I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to catch some disease from doing it.

So, putting it lightly, I don't like said girls. I don't like when they fake laugh, I don't like when they tell their horrible stories, and I especially don't like it when they place their grabby little hands on Bellamy's guard jacket while he's still in it.

Like right now.

My job is to help Abby, it's always been to help Abby. But there one of those girls are, feet away from me with her hands all over Bellamy, and the last thing I want to do is help Abby with inventory. The only thing I want to do is slap the flakiness out of that girl.

"If he loves you," Abbie spoke up, holding up a bottle of some long-lost medicine. "Then he won't cheat on you."

I sighed deeply, tearing my gaze from them because she was right.

If we truly were in love that girl won't get anything out of my boy. And as much as I hate to admit it, if she does, then I don't need to waste my time in this relationship.

"Does that mean I can't beat the crap out of her?"

Abby broke out a rare smile, shaking her head no. "I think that means you just have to wait and see."

And wait and see I did.

It was late when Bellamy got back to our shared room in the nicest part of the fallen Ark. We got given this rather nice room after Bellamy got back from saving everyone, and it was just suiting that I followed him in here.

But now the coziness of the small room won't do anything to help my nerves that are flowing through me.

When the metal door finally opened and the scent of Bellamy arrived, I was more than ready to pounce on him for everything that he may of, or may not of, done.

"Oh Mirna, you didn't have to stay up." His deep voice made me bounce out of the seat I was sitting in, and for some reason, his voice just made me angrier.

"Where were you?"

He slid out of his guard jacket and walked over to the desk in our room to lay it down. "We had a quick guards meeting, nothing serious."

He leaned over to try to place a kiss on my lips, something that we do every night before bed, but I pulled back.

"What's wrong," he whispered, his eyes slightly bigger than they were before. "Mirna, what's wrong?"

I guess it was my fear more than anything that made me blurt out, "Are you cheating on me?" than my wits. Fear of living without Bellamy, a fear I didn't know I had until just then.

Bellamy's eyes crinkled, his freckles scrunching up. "No. No, I'm not cheating on you."

He was starting to get angry now too. He leaned back up to his straight position and crossed his arms, acting like he was studying me as he dragged his gaze across my face. "Why would you think that?"

I scoffed, shaking my head so fast it's a surprise I didn't crack my neck. "Why wouldn't I? All day long I see you with those sleezy, dirt-bag girls all over you."

His mouth dropped open a little bit in surprise, but he shut it quickly. "Those are just people I talk to around the Ark, it's not like we're actually friends or anything. They don't flirt with me, all we talk about is the Ark."

"Bellamy! They flirt with you all the time! That's the only thing they do."

Bellamy took one of his hands and brought it down his face, shaking off his aging features from the stress he's under. He walked over to the bed and sat down, making me turn my body a little to face him again.

"Mirna, I'm not cheating on you," he said softly. "I would never cheat on you. If it bothers you that bad about those girls, then I won't talk to them again, okay?"

This heavy weight was just lifted from my shoulders and I walked over to the bed like I was floating on air. My knees popped as I sat down on it and Bellamy wasted no time in sliding a thin lock of my brown hair away from my face.

"I love you, only you," he said softly. Then a small smile appeared on his lips. "Not those sleezy, dirt-bags."

I let out a quiet laugh, leaning into his touch as he dragged his thumb down my cheek. "Good, cause I love you too."

If anything, his smile grew brighter. "And that's the way it should be."


Jeez, I'm so sorry that this took like a month to come out. I was really lacking inspiration and even this one I feel isn't good enough. But I didn't want to make you wait any longer than you already have.

For the other requests, hopefully they will be out sometime this month. Yup, I'm that uninspired.

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