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The screams of my friends around me filled my ears, along with the occasional gunfire and swish of an arrow.

We were under attack, the grounders wanted payback.

A big grounder wearing a mask of bones spotted me disoriented as my home was being ransacked by grounders and scared delinquents.

Before I knew what was happening, I was pinned to the ground, the grounders heavy breathing hitting my panicked body.

His knife was inches away from me as I tried to not get stabbed by the sharp object. The knife was just seconds away from piercing my airway when I heard shouts of my name.

Momentarily stunned, the grounder retracted and stabbed the knife in my stomach instead.

He left me to die as he fought another unlucky person. My hands applied pressure to the wound in my stomach as I fought the urge to vomit.

I was going to die.

My name was said again as the world started to spin and I could vaguely make out the words in the midst of the scene around me.

"Y/N, come on! We can save you! Just make it to the drop shop!"

I knew the voice well, Jasper, my boyfriend.

I smiled, my face feeling weird like it wasn't even mine.

Actually, everything felt weird as I flipped on my stomach to get up, but the pain that came with that action was enough to make me not even try.

I guess my screams hit the drop shop as I saw Jasper, through my teary eyes, being held back by Clarke and other delinquents.

I could see he was yelling, but I couldn't hear him.

In fact, I couldn't hear anything. The grunts, screams, and shots of war were drowned out.
In its place was a ringing noise that repeated itself over and over again.

I watched as Jasper was dragged into the drop ship and the doors started to close, making the last thing I saw of Jasper being his fluffy hair before it was all out of view.

Some grounders started to knock on the ship door, banging their weapons of choice against the hard metal; but I knew what was coming. The flames... and that sounded much better than dying in my own puddle of blood.

Suddenly, a loud sound brought me back to life along with a bright light.

And then nothing... but pain.

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