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My eyes couldn't remain open for very long.

I liked to think it was because it was too early in the morning for my eyes to remain open for a long amount of time; in reality it was because my body was drained from being tortured for too long.

Through my dim gaze, I tried to look around at my surroundings again. It wasn't anything I was used to, everything still looked foreign to me.

The walls were made out of metal, things we would use for knives and armor; not that these foreign people from the sky would know what to make of it. My hands were tied above my head, wrapped in some type of rope that was laying around the room. The only way out, that I've found so far, was a small entry through the floor.

My mouth felt so dry as my tongue flickered around, trying to wet it again. Stiffly, I slightly moved my head to my right.

I didn't know him very well, and it was pretty hard to make out his features with all the dried blood on his face, but the man beside me was Lincoln.

We stopped communicating long ago, saving our energy. Sometimes we lock eyes, but Lincoln always looks away first, focusing on the wall in front of us again.

I felt myself jump slightly as the floor latch opened with a creak. My eyes flickered to the person coming out of the hatch, expecting the curly, brunette to walk out with a new form of torture.

To my surprise, it was a new boy, and he didn't look like he could hurt a fly.

The boy came all the way out of the entry-way, peering down it like he was waiting for another person to show up.

This time it was a girl. I often saw her with the curly, brunette, pleading for our freedom.

Ever since Lincoln told her what vile was which, the girl has been coming up more often than usual. She always rushes to Lincoln's side first and they share tender conversation, none that I ever participate in.

Today was no different as she grabbed a dish full of water and rushed to Lincoln's side.

My eyes flickered to the other boy, no surprised to see him already staring at me with his mouth slightly agape.

He looked away first, me letting out a breath as I realized my suspicion was correct.

He couldn't hurt anything.

"Monty, grab that rag," the girl spoke, pointing to a dirty rag a few feet away.

The boy named Monty did as he was told, returning to the girl's side with the rag in his hands. They switched items, the bowl for the rag, and the boy made his way over to me with the boy held in his shaky hands.

We locked eyes, his a comforting brown. I didn't make any move to try to scare him off, even though the last thing I wanted was for this guy to feed me water.

Monty slowly brought the water to my lips, and as the liquid coated the outside of my lips, something inside of me awoke, drinking fast and sloppy.

I heard the boy let out a tiny laugh, my eyes flickering up to him with a glare; trying to tell him not to laugh at me, not now or ever.

He shut up after that.

I licked my lips when he pulled away, the bowl dried up of it's contents.

The two switched things again, the girl leaving to get more water as the boy took the rag into his hands. He looked almost scared to wipe the sweat and dried blood off my body, his eyes trying not to look down at my almost bare skin.

"I'm Monty," he said, trying not to break eye-contact.

I chose not to answer, and I saw him swallow back his nerves as he placed the rag on my skin.

"Bellamy isn't a bad guy. He's just trying to protect us. I'm sure you would've done the same if you were in our position," he continued to say as the wet rag swept across my body.

I wasn't focused on what he was saying, the feeling of the coldness from the rag was enough to let me forget everything else.

My eyes did snap open though when I heard him say one thing-

"I'll get you out of here. Promise."

The look on his face said he was serious, even as he pulled the rag away from my body and returned it to it's original spot.

"Octavia," he hissed after he looked down the slot in the floor. "We need to go, now!"

The girl pulled back from Lincoln, her hand lingering on his bicep longer than it should've, before turning from him and going to the door in the ground.

Monty sent me one last sad look before he too followed her down, disappearing in the hole.

Then one thought crossed my mind-

Monty wasn't that bad.


I'm really not loving the cover on this book. I just made it really fast and I'm not regretting it, even though Bellamy does look really cute on the cover.

So if any of you want to make me a new cover, Ill give you credit in the description of the book and stuff.

You don't have to by any means if you don't want to, I'm not going to pressure you into anything, of course.

But if you would like to, comment here or pm me so we can work something out!

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