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Requested by: @mtvloseer

All I wanted to do was see the sunset.

I've read books about the sun hiding away for the moon to take its place, and the vivid and dramatic colors that paint the sky as it tells the love story between the two. Something about the sun dying every night to let its love, the moon, take its place.

But in camp, with all the torches lit to light up the place and the walls tall overhead, I couldn't see the love story as well as I wanted to.

So I snuck out.

Equipped with a jug of water, a knife, and a backpack, I snuck out of camp as soon as people starting to head towards their tents.

Me and Finn were good friends, meaning he taught me a few routes to take to beautiful things around camp; a cliff-side view just happened to be one of them.

By the time I arrived at this view, the sun was just beginning to descend. I sighed in contempt and took a deep breath of air.

The sky was blue, purple, pink, and peach all swirling together and slowly moving down until the sky was almost pitch black. When you think of it as the sun dying for the moon, it can really make a simple sunset feel so much more meaningful.

But just as I was getting ready to head back to camp, I heard it.

The sound of a heavy boot cracking a stick.

My body tensed, but I decided to act like I didn't hear it and slowly rose from my spot and grabbed my bag. The knife I stuck in one of the pockets was the first thing my hand grasped, and the metal started to make an imprint on my soft skin as I started to head back.

I couldn't help myself to look as another branch was broken. It sounded like whoever it was, they were doing it on purpose, and they were close.

As my head whipped to the sound of the noise, my dirty blonde hair hitting me in the face, a big hand had covered my mouth and my back was pushed into a tree.

I let out a gasp of pain from the impact and then my blue eyes widened as I saw the man standing in front of me wearing a mask made out of animal bones. His shoulders were broad and covered with hide from an animal, his breathing was calm, and his knife was slowly starting to poke me in the ribs.

My knife lay trapped in my hand by my side, covered by the man and his weight.

He said nothing, but I figured by the hand covering my mouth that he wanted me to be quiet. So I listened for any other sounds, and then I heard something, the faint rattle of leaves.

The grounder looked like he heard it too as he tensed for a split second, before relaxing again.

The rattling grew closer though, and soon I was jerked off of the tree and thrown over the grounders shoulder, my knife falling in the process and me letting out a nasty curse word. The grounder didn't like that I made noise and he started to run while I started to fight back, my fist hitting his back and my legs stabbing his stomach.

Then we fell.

I landed on a rock, making my once normal breathing feel like a stabbing sensation every time I moved. My head was hurting too, and I could barely make out the grounder beside me recovering from having the same fate.

Then another person came into view.

Bellamy Blake with a gun pointed at my attacker who was laying on the ground.

I didn't wait around for the gunshot to be heard.


"You need to wake up because I can't do this without you," a soft voice said.

My eyes fluttered open as I heard this, and I got a clear view of Bellamy's neck. The sight almost made me smile, but then he took a long step and pain that spread through my whole body made me groan.

"Jill," Bellamy suddenly said, stopping his next stop carefully. "You're awake."

I was too weak to answer, so I chose to hardly move my head yes.

Bellamy squatted immediately and laid me on the cold ground, his eyes looking over my body in the dusk that had settled around us. He chose to move closer to my head and after staring at my forehead for a second, he settled on locking eyes with me.

"I thought I lost you," he spoke quietly, reaching for my hand that lay at my side.

"All of this for a sunset," I muttered.

He shook his head, curly hair flying across his face. My hand in his felt warm while the rest of my body felt cold. It brought me extreme comfort, and, despite the pain in my ribs and my head, I wanted Bellamy to engulf me in his arms and warm me up.

"You should've went with me, Jill," Bellamy muttered. "I could've protected you. Then you wouldn't be in all of this pain."

Although it was meant to criticize me, it sounded more like Bellamy being hard on himself.

"I did this myself Bell," I croaked. "Besides... now you can be my knight in shining armor and save me."

He chuckled, still holding my hand. "Fine, but only this once."


I don't know if any of you guys watch David Dobrik's videos, but if you do, then you will know who Todd is.

Well I was watching Ricky Dillion play a 'Truth or Dare' game with Heath and Zane, and somehow they all got on the topic of tv shows. Ricky was literally listing all of my favs like Riverdale and Arrow and such, and then he mentioned The 100.

I was kinda bummed when Zane said he didn't like that show, but then he said that Todd was obsessed with it. And for some reason, I squealed like a pig and wanted to tell everyone about it. So here I am telling you all about it!

Todd With The Hot Bod likes The 100

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