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Life on the ground isn't what one would call, fun.

If you didn't have a helpful skill you were immediately put to work, doing whatever Bellamy and his squad wanted you to do.

Right now I was working on a part of the wall, when I heard shouting. I turned my head to see Murphy shoving a kid back from the water, causing him to spill it all over. Bellamy came over to stop the two from fighting and told Murphy to get the guy a drink. You could tell Murphy wasn't happy. I had just turned back around when I heard more yelling.

Murphy was peeing on the guy, laughing about as he did so. My eyes couldn't help but stay on a certain body part exposed to the world, and let's just say he wasn't the smallest guy...

I looked up when I felt eyes on me and locked eyes with Murphy himself. A blush creeped up on my face and I looked down from his smirk. I turned back around and focused on getting the image out of my mind, but failed.

As the dusk covered us, us delinquents huddled around the fire, sharing warmth and laughter before the day was over.

Through the fire my eyes met a certain boy. He smirked at me and the image from before crossed my mind as I was pulled back I into the conversation.

When the group broke up, I headed back to my tent. I didn't notice someone was following me until I reached the flap to my tent and was pulled back and into someone's lips.
They were chapped but warm, and made my toes curl by the deepness of the kiss. Before it could go farther, the person pulled back, leaving me wanting more but at the same time, mad.

My eyes opened to reveal the one and only, John Murphy.

I pushed him away from me, us now standing inches apart. "You ass! You can't just go around kissing people!"

He smirked,"You didn't seem to mind."

"I did mind! Is that what you do with every girl you try to seduce? Follow them home, twirl them around, and stick the lips on them! I-"

He cut me off by his lips on mine again. I couldn't help it! If John Murphy was kissing you, you wouldn't pull away either! I kissed him back and before long he had his tongue in my mouth and my back against the finished part of the wall.

"I hate you," I whispered, still trying to play the 'I don't like you' act.

"Whatever you say, babe."

My eyes opened at the new pet name. Babe! My heart hurts at the thought of Murphy calling me babe. I let him kiss me down my neck and back up, sucking on the sensitive spot behind my ear.

When I moaned I heard him say, "Can't just go around kissing people." With a chuckle at the end before attaching his lips to my collarbone.

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