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My steps on the metal floors echoed through my ears as I tried to get back into my book.

I just got to the part where the handsome Prince finally met the girl of his dreams, the girl who would complete him forever and become his very own Queen, when I rammed into another body, my book flying through the air.

I was ready to apologize for running into the person, when we locked eyes.

I knew everyone down here, it was Mt. Weather after-all, but as I locked eyes with the dark-haired boy, I realized I didn't recognize him at all. That thought sent a surge of panic through me and the boy's eyes widened too. Before I could scream though, his hand covered my mouth and he dragged me out of the main hallway.

The smaller room that we now were in made me get a closer look at the man's face. His skin had freckles and his hair was curly, he was taller than me by at least another head.

"I need you to be quiet," he hissed.

This made me come back to the present, and I slapped his hand away. "Who are you?"

"I'm trying to save my friends," he said, avoiding me question. His eyes looking around us like my one question would set off an alarm.

This only made my eyes widen even more.

"You mean... your from Earth?"

"Kinda, not exactly," he hurriedly said, looking out of the door. "Look, it's a long story." He looked me back in the eye as he said, "All I'm asking is for you to keep quiet. I'm just trying to save my friends, and then I'll leave."

I furrowed my eyebrows, tugging on his sleeve to make him stop his desperate search around us for any stench of danger. "Your friends? What do you mean your friends are here?"

"Your people are draining my friends of their bone marrow so they can walk on the Earth again," he quickly uttered out lowly.

I dropped his sleeve and took a step back, my head shaking in disbelief.

My dad worked for Mt. Weather, he told me everything was fine. I always suspected things were a little off when they announced we could go back up, but I never thought they were doing something as terrible as this.

When I looked back up, the man was watching me intently. His eyes looked heavy, almost sad for me.

"I'll help," I immediately said, deciding before my thoughts could catch up to the adrenaline running through my body.

The man nodded his head in gratitude, looking out of the doorway to see if anyone was coming.

"All I need you to do is stay quiet, don't tell anyone you saw me," he demanded, his voice low.

"Are you going to kill anyone," I muttered just as lowly.

He shook his head. "I'm trying not to."

That didn't really help my conscious.

He tensed as heavy footsteps were heard. I knew a guard sometimes strolled through here, so I tensed as well.

Thinking fast, I grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and dragged him closer to me, slamming him against the wall and covering his big body with my tiny body.

The whole time he was like putty in my hands, his limb body hitting the wall a little bit harder than I originally anticipated. This, of course, got the attention of the guard outside of our little room, and so quickly I had to think of another plan.

But the door opened too fast, the dark-haired man's eyes leaving my face to look at the man at the door.

That's when I did it, I tried to save the damsel in distress.

Grabbing his face and angling it downwards towards mine, I slammed my lips against his, gently moving them and letting a big moan out to let the person at the door know to get out.

His hands stayed at his sides, probably too shocked to move, while mine went up to his face to make sure it stayed and the person at the door wouldn't see who I was kissing.

My plan apparently worked because after a few seconds of our lips connecting at a gentle pace, the door to the room we were in was closed again in a hurry. I pulled away, panting a little, and opened my eyes to see the nameless man panting a little too.

My eyes flickered down to his lips as I noticed a little bit of my red lipstick smudged on the side of his bottom lip.

With a giggle, I reached up and wiped it off; while he just stared down at me with a bewildered look on his face.

"Your welcome," I said smugly. "I'm y/n, by the way."


I stepped back a little, a giant grin on my face. Bellamy used this space to stand up straighter, his back no longer resting against the wall. With a blink of the eye, Bellamy changed back into survival mode, running towards the door and placing his ear against it.

"I think it's clear," he muttered, looking back at me and standing up straight.

A brief awkward moment passed through us. Me just staring at him while playing with my fingers and him just staring at the ground, before he cleared his throat and met my eyes.

"Thanks for your help back there y/n. Hopefully I'll see you around." He added a short smile at the end, his hand already reaching for the door handle.

"Yeah... I hope you find your friends, Bellamy," I told him sincerely.

He smiled at me in gratitude, dropping his head as he left the room.

My Prince leaving his Princess.

But I never saw him again.


Why is this one of the better imagines I have ever written...

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