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Jasper was hauled into the camp, looking really bad. They wasted no time in getting him in the drop ship.

My boyfriend Monty ran in as I sat worried outside. A few minutes later, Monty came out, looking very tired.

"How is he," I asked right when he got close enough to hear me.

"I don't know." He rubbed his face using his hands. "Am I going to lose my best friend,

"No, Monty. Jasper will be alright, you know he will be alright." I have him a hug, my hands around his neck, holding him close. He hugged me back and soon, my shirt was damp from Monty silent crying.

"Mont," I whispered in his ear.

"You should've seen his face when the arrow hit him. Every time I think about him, the image of that pops in my mind. I can't get it out, y/n!"

"Monty, he will get through this. You will have your best friend back. Jasper is strong and Clarke is wise. He will be fine."

He pulled away letting me get a look at his swollen eyes and red cheeks. "Mont, stop crying. Your going to make me cry."

"We can't have you crying," he gave me a weak smile that just broke my heart even more.

It was then that Jasper started moaning. We rushed inside to see him moaning out in pain laying on a table. Clarke was working to get him stable, but the moans started getting louder and louder.

Monty went to Jasper's side and I left, not being able to stand seeing him like that. I knew I had to be strong for Monty, but once the fresh air hit my face, I felt sick. I ran to the side of the dropship and threw up, letting out my breakfast.

When I was done, I saw Monty watching me.
"Are you alright?"

I nodded weakly. He walked over to my hunched over self and wrapped me in his arms, the tears no longer coming from him as I wet his t-shirt.

"It will be alright. Clarke got him stable," he whispered.

I nodded and clung to his shirt as I let out everything that has happened since we got here. He rubbed my back until I felt better, or until I wasn't crying anymore.

Then he grabbed my arm and led me to our tent. Once inside he laid down on the bed and motioned for me to join him by patting the empty spot.

Laughing, I climbed in next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face into his chest, breathing in his scent.

"Everything will be alright, y/n. I promise."

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